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protected virtual member function
<streambuf> <iostream>


streampos seekpos (streampos sp, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
Set internal position pointer to absolute position
Virtual function called by the public member function pubseekpos to alter the stream positions of one or more of the controlled sequences in a specific way for each derived class.

Its default behavior in streambuf is to do nothing and return -1, but derived classes shall override this behavior to alter the internal pointers appropriately: both filebuf and stringbuf override this virtual member function to set the internal pointer specified by which to the absolute position pos.


New absolute position for the position pointer.
streampos is a positioning type that can be converted to/from integral types (an fpos type).
Generally used to determine the position on which of the controlled sequences shall be modified: the input sequence, the output sequence, or both. It is an object of type ios_base::openmode that, for this function, may take any combination of the following significant constant values:
valueposition pointer affected
ios_base::inModify current position in controlled input sequence
ios_base::outModify current position in controlled output sequence

Return Value

Returns pos_type(off_type(-1)).
streampos is a positioning type that can be converted to/from integral types (an fpos type).

Data races

Introduces no data races, but overriden versions in derived classes may.

Exception safety

No-throw guarantee: this default definition never throws exceptions.

See also

