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Pages: 12
Sep 17, 2010 at 7:00pm
Nežinojau, kad čia yra ir Lietuvių :-). Man taip pasirodė dėl vardo ilgumo. Beje, mano vardas rimantas, o angliškai greičiausiai gautusi koks nors rymentes ar kažkas panašaus...
Sep 17, 2010 at 7:06pm
How do you pronounce "Rimantas"?
Sep 17, 2010 at 7:23pm
Nothing too fancy. R in lithuanian is a lot harder/sharper than english. All vowels are short. I as in 'rim', A as in 'mud'. I is accented.
Sep 17, 2010 at 7:54pm
Can you write it phonetically?
Sep 18, 2010 at 2:05am
Name: Scott
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1994-04-21
Country of Birth: Canada
Country of Residence: Canada
Philosophical beliefs: Have never researched enough to find a name to staple myself as
Hobbies: Programming, listening to music, playing games, playing guitar, writing
Interests: Computer Science, music, logical thinking
Skills: Programming (C++, some Ruby), guitar player of 5 years
Other: Huge fan of Futurama (a complete nerd really - challenge me to trivia and you will lose)
Sep 19, 2010 at 2:08am
Name: Daeron of the Mage Clan
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: <undocumented>
Country of Birth: Marlstron
Country of Residence: Kaboutia, Land of the Gnomes
Religious Beliefs: Atheist
Hobbies: Killing lvl 90 dragons, casting transportation spells, crafting lvl 100 maging staffs, enchanting jewelery
Interests: Obtaining lvl 250, gaining 1mil gold, enchanting intelligence upon inanimate objects, golems
Skills: Intelligence (lvl 156), maging (lvl 103), herblore (lvl 96), healing (lvl 80), strength (lvl 67)
Other: Am among the most skilled in Generic Random RPG

I can't believe no one thought of this XD
Sep 19, 2010 at 2:16am
In all seriousness, though:

Name: Robert
Gender: Male
Country of Birth: US
Country of Residence: US
Religious Beliefs: Atheist
----Side Note: I acknowledge that God (god, the gods, w/e) may exist, but I tend to think that
----they're all so unlikely that I assume they don't exist (as is common practice in science)
Hobbies: Math, programming, learning, thinking
Interests: Intelligent AI - Personally, Neural Networks seem to be the most promising
Skills: Math, thinking, computers
Other: I'm just a tad bit introverted, but I get along well with people
Last edited on Sep 19, 2010 at 2:17am
Sep 19, 2010 at 9:14am
I'm slightly introverted, and maybe even socially awkward as well, but I've found that if I just push myself, I'm fine.
Sep 19, 2010 at 1:49pm
Name: Steve
Gender: Male
Date Of Birth: 22 April 1995
Country Of Birth: US
Country of Residence: US
Religious Beliefs: Athiest. Not sure if that word correctly describes it. There's as much evidence that a god exists as there is that a god doesn't, i just simply don't care, and want nothing to do with it.
Hobbies: Programming, modding, breaking things by 'accident', then attempting to fix them and feeling pro.
Interests: Computer sciences, quantum physics, metal music<3.
Skills: C/C++, HTML/CSS, a bit of python, great knowledge of computers and how they work, about to test for my CompTia A+.
Other: I feel like a giant nerd. I totally embrace that. Though, i think if you were walking down the street and saw me, the last thing you'd think i do is program. I'm the guy with hair that goes in his eyes and wears skinny jeans. :)
Sep 19, 2010 at 2:00pm
Well, I don't wear skinny jeans (I'd look really silly) but I have longish hair. People say I look like justin bieber. But generally, they don't say much else after I Mega Punch them in the face.
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