by admin
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[2 replies] Last: How To Answer Questions in a Helpful Way Be gentle. Problem-relat... (by admin)
by Zolaboony
Console Closing Down (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
[120 replies] Last: It displayed "Hello world" after you pressed Enter. int c is a ... (by Duthomhas)
by Jonathan100
Git problem
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the replays I kind of solved the issue (by Jonathan100)
by Mif
C programming. Using uninitialized memory warning.
[17 replies] Last: I found a lot of info and a few C implementations for the A* Search al... (by George PlusPlus)
by Cyclone
Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is...
[18 replies] Last: Any ideas? Got lots of ideas, you've already been offered several by... (by George PlusPlus)
by cgm2k7
Reading files with fread() in chunks.
[18 replies] Last: Just wait for when you have EVERY post reported, including ones that p... (by George PlusPlus)
by demhat
function declaration with MACROs
[7 replies] Last: And, for one question within the OP: Yes, there can be more than just ... (by keskiverto)
by PhysicsIsFun
MPI runtime weird example
[1 reply] : its hard to know what is really going on with caches, other processes,... (by jonnin)
by zzzhhh
Why do I have to surround parentheses in this fold expression?
[1 reply] : Because the standard defines a unary left fold expression as: ( ...... (by Peter87)
by salem c
need some help
[11 replies] Last: George, I would avoid directly hyperlinking the profile, if you don't ... (by Ganado)
by colt
Simple tga writer not working correctly.
[3 replies] Last: You might consider finding an already existing 3rd party library and u... (by George PlusPlus)
by Bengbers
Namespace std not recognized in public API.h for shared library (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: smart pointers are used as an 'owning' pointer. They 'own' the allocat... (by seeplus)
by Jonathan100
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[6 replies] Last: Thanks folks, the error was due to a buffer overflow of char array I ... (by Jonathan100)
by zzzhhh
It is known that we can't initialize rvalue reference with lvalue, but why can function name?
[5 replies] Last: And the standard you cited is two floors above: " (by mbozzi)
by zzzhhh
Why is const gone in the return type?
[5 replies] Last: @Peter87: Thank you for referring me to the relevant Standard. I think... (by zzzhhh)
by bkelly13
Convert binary to base 58
[10 replies] Last: I get the same result on those 2 sites (dcode only accepts decimal inp... (by DizzyDon)
by Ch1156
Best way to modify a variable in a class (1,2,3,4)
[63 replies] Last: I suggest you look into OOP class design using UML etc. This will give... (by seeplus)
by learner999
Finding minimum element of a tuple on the basis of first element
[5 replies] Last: I have a tuple like this : data=[ ( 23, a, 3.78, d), ( 11, x, 5.8, w)... (by seeplus)
by zzzhhh
Which ctor of std::unique_ptr is used, when there is a user-defined deleter which is a function?
[1 reply] : The code calls constructor 3 or 4. When the cppreference page writes ... (by Peter87)
by Brian845
txt file to vector giving wrong values
[11 replies] Last: There's a good (and free) set of C++ tutorials and lessons available o... (by George PlusPlus)