User profile: salem c

User info
User name:salem c
Location:The Rock
Bio:Please don't PM me to do your homework, unless it comes with a credible offer of money.
My rate is US$100 per hour.
Number of posts:3690
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need some help
That seems pretty close to being right, why don't you post the whole program?

How to clear the buffer for istreams?

I work for Google...
Eventually, there will be some lawsuits that seek compensation for all this unpaid "work". This wil...

which one of these bytecode instruction designs is better?
> InstrFormats[PUSH] = "BB"; 1. How many operands can an opcode have? Consider say encoding as bits...

Daily bit(e) of C++ | Optimizing code to run 87x faster
Best summarised as - taking days of effort - to save seconds of time - on something run maybe once a...