by JuliusCaesar
Use concepts to test for member functions
[4 replies] Last: AH thx alot, now it's working fine :) (by JuliusCaesar)
by seeplus
Wait for stdout completed (C)
[9 replies] Last: We don't 'mix' our io with standard output. We only use standard outpu... (by seeplus)
by PeteDD
Use array as incrementer in for loop - no longer compiling
[8 replies] Last: I'm still left wondering why the developer put this variable in as an... (by coder777)
by ruzip
GLUT Keys with VK Keys
[2 replies] Last: Thanks kilgar, but actually not involving any external library. And a... (by ruzip)
by JamieAl
How to implement FFTW efficiently in C/C++?
[13 replies] Last: I'm surprised there's even a correlation between thread count and elap... (by helios)
by jNc
send text to clipboard
[4 replies] Last: It looks like the modern default Ubuntu does not come with a clipboard... (by newbieg)
time elapsed since local midnight?
[6 replies] Last: You could also write this without zoned_time if you prefer: int ma... (by mbozzi)
How to get sys_days from local_time?
[6 replies] Last: Note that for Windows, C++ time zone data is only available from Windo... (by seeplus)
What is a strict weak ordering?
[9 replies] Last: Thanks Helios!! (by JUANDENT)
by Cplusc
Point In Triangle
[5 replies] Last: A'ight. (by helios)
by JamieAl
How to implement MATLAB's colon operator in C++?
[2 replies] Last: If you want zero padded output look to either C's printf or C++20's ... (by George PlusPlus)
istream_iterator invokes reading from the keyboard by just defining it!!
[7 replies] Last: Pressing enter does not end the stream. Correct. This iterates the... (by seeplus)
How can ofstream not trunc existing file?
[2 replies] Last: I think the "problem" with the above code is that is not atomic. Fo... (by kigar64551)
how to insert into an unordered_map for a given struct
[3 replies] Last: Thanks!! (by JUANDENT)