User profile: JamieAl

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User name:JamieAl
Number of posts:235
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Error: Using EigenFFT in for loop
I am testing EigenFFT with some Eigen tensors and matrices. I have been so far successful with imple...

1D FFTs of an Eigen tensor
I was trying to take the 1D FFT along each direction separately to understand how things work. But,...

1D FFTs of an Eigen tensor
@mbozzi Okay, sorry I am definitely confusing you and myself here. So my MATLAB code uses built-in ...

1D FFTs of an Eigen tensor
@mbozzi The code you provided sort of works. It gives me the same issue I had with my code. So, whe...

1D FFTs of an Eigen tensor
Sorry I thought I responded to this! [quote]In other words, I think you're considering the indices (...

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User: JamieAl

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