User profile: JUANDENT

User info
User name:JUANDENT
Number of posts:383
Latest posts:

function returning an int cannot be assigned to
I have a confusion. A function returning a value of type int cannot be assigned to - is it because t...

How to include library feature macros like __cpp_lib_* if importing std only?
Yes I know I can #include Thanks!

How to include library feature macros like __cpp_lib_* if importing std only?
the library feature macros __cpp_lib_* are defined in header yvals_core.h (for visual C++) which is ...

Are internal partition files supported in VC++ 2022?
Can we do this? [code] module name:partition_name; [/code] VS 2022 does not compile

order of importing does affect the outcome!
Reading about C++ 20 modules we find the assertion that the order of importing modules does not matt...

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