General C++ Programming - August 2023 (Page 2)

by oddy
About type inference for function templates
I use the function read to read an integer from stdin in the code below: #include <cstdio>...
[2 replies] Last: With C++20 it is possible to get a bit of narrowing for parameters wit... (by George PlusPlus)
Error in reading a byte from a file.
Hello, I am trying to read bytes from a file but it's just not working... My program reads graphic...
[11 replies] Last: Not sure what I did but its working now. It might have been to do with... (by Cyclone)
by Atom1
Register assembly in C++
We hired someone to build a wrapper dll so that our application could use functions in a managed .Ne...
[2 replies] Last: You could call ShellExecuteW() with lpOperation set to "runas" ... (by kigar64551)
Will the 2nd -std=gnu++14 override the 1st -std=c++17 ?
A naive concept question: while I'm building a file/folder, for instance, here, I'm trying to buil...
[1 reply] : The man gcc either does not mention, or hides the info from casual r... (by keskiverto)
August 2023 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [jul2023] [sep2023]

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