General C++ Programming - April 2023

Eigen library - references
Hello I am using the Eigen library. I have a 4x3 matrix of doubles and would like to obtain a refe...
[4 replies] Last: See the documentation about working with block matrices: https://eigen... (by mbozzi)
akgorithm to order modules according to dependencies
Hi, i have a program that reads module interface units and stores each module's dependencies, like ...
[2 replies] Last: The relevant search term is "topological sorting" You could do someth... (by mbozzi)
by Weasel
undefined reference
Hello, I've been reading Professional C++ by Marc Gregoire and I'm having problems with some of h...
[2 replies] Last: Keep in mind that the header file ( .h ) only contains the declaratio... (by kigar64551)
Does c++ have a dbase lib that will be there out of the box? I am trying to use SGLAPI without any ...
[5 replies] Last: In addition to the include path you need also the library. See this: ... (by coder777)
by cgm2k7
Sprite sheet animation calculation
Good afternoon! I'm creating a small 2d game in directx11, I'm trying to animate the sprites. See ...
[2 replies] Last: I already managed to solve. m_vertices .uv.x = (currentFrame ... (by cgm2k7)
Random probability
I have this pseudo-code (NOT c c/++) k = 0 b = 0 for i = 1 to 64 r = rnd() if r > .9...
[4 replies] Last: Actually, it can be done using the multinomial distribution - see http... (by lastchance)
Scaling a variable by percentage forth and back
Hello guys, even though this is about windows programing, my problem is actually math in relation to...
[4 replies] Last: You're right, I gave up from scaling and will continue to use variable... (by malibor)
unmangling C++ unresolved external
Hi, I have a project that upon compiling gives me an unresolved external error with a monstrous...
[3 replies] Last: the method in error seems to be sync_table correct? correct... (by kbw)
Force this C++ Programs to use Windows Console Host NOT default Windows Terminal
I have some programs that require MANY changes to use Windows Terminal mode of of console display. ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks I tried your way (conhost.exe cmd.exe) and it works calling cm... (by tigerlcf)
by frek
Assign to a specific memory address
Suppose some address like 0x25D4C3FA is available on my memory. I want to assign to that address. On...
[16 replies] Last: Thanks for the link. Do you have a platform-independent link to sugge... (by kigar64551)
by helios
resvg Finally, an SVG rendering library that's actually usable on Win...
[no replies]
unresolved external from library containing many templates and many C++20 modules!
Hi, I have a library composed of many C++20 modules and when I link with it in an executable I ge...
[1 reply] : Not enough information in your post to give you a meaningful response.... (by AbstractionAnon)
class template has already been defined!!
Hi, I have a static library made up of many C++20 modules and many of them #include <system_error> ...
[no replies]
by jonnin
little help playing with concept and templates
I have this toy that is trying to conditionally inherit different base classes to change the behavio...
[5 replies] Last: thx again! (by jonnin)
Optimization using OpenMP: Parallel code is slow
I have a made a post in the past about optimization and parallelization where I got lots of help and...
[12 replies] Last: But if I run with openMP and FFTW following the instructions: https://... (by JamieAl)
vector multi template argument
what multi template argument in vector seen eg. std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::reference
[1 reply] : _Tp is the data type o... (by doug4)
Is it possible to access a non exported item from another translation unit?
I have a definition of a function called Mem() inside a C++ 20 module but not exported. I need to ac...
[no replies]
by Cplusc
Octree data structure method
Can anyone tell my why I'm getting out of subscription error for blockIndices? This code reads the t...
[3 replies] Last: ok, and what does it do in generate hex mesh? you just say main doesn... (by jonnin)
how to get local hh_mm_ss for current local time?
Hi, I need a local now point that will give me current time zone values. For instance if i am in ...
[2 replies] Last: // C++20 #include <iostream> #include <chrono> int main() { // ... (by JLBorges)
equal_range question
I'm using a multimap to store a collection of PLAY objects. The multimap entries consist of a score...
[3 replies] Last: Consider something like this - where the map is sorted descending rath... (by seeplus)
April 2023 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [mar2023] [may2023]

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