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User profile: TheBeardedQuack

User info
User name:TheBeardedQuack
Old user name:SatsumaBenji
Name:Benjamin Fisher
Location:Sheffield, England, UK
Bio:Working on https://coding.anewskillset.com

Join our Discord programming group @ http://discord.gg/mU5uR6u
Statistical data
Birthdate:Apr 11, 1996
Joined:Apr 22, 2012 at 10:37am
Number of posts:863
Latest posts:

Note to site admin
I've just noticed that Chrome was telling me the site was not secured. I took a little look and it s...

Class Question
This syntax is to do with inheritance. Everything to the right of that, the class can inherit behavi...

cplusplus.com discord server
@chipp, That discord group was created for this forum. The text chat did used to mirror exactly the...

cplusplus.com discord server
Actually this server is very popular and quite useful, and well moderated by just 2 people. https://...

Automatic backup software for servers
Would it be possible to put the entire operating system on a ZFS stop or does it require an OS to be...