protected member function
<ios> <iostream>
void init (basic_streambuf<char_type,traits_type>* sb);
Initialize object
Initializes the values of the stream's internal flags and member variables.
Derived classes are expected to call this protected member function at some point before its first use or before its destruction (generally, during construction).
The internal state is initialized in such a way that each of these members return the following values:
On initialization, the internal extensible array (iword, pword) is empty.
- sb
- Pointer to a basic_streambuf object with the same template parameters as the basic_ios object.
char_type and traits_type are member types defined as aliases of the first and second class template parameters, respectively (see basic_ios types).
Data races
Modifies the stream object. The object pointed by sb may be accessed and/or modified.
Concurrent access to the same stream object or stream buffer may cause data races.
Exception safety
Basic guarantee: if an exception is thrown, the stream is in a valid state.