Windows Programming - July 2022

GDI: how use Translation and scale?
using win32 GDI, how can i use Translation and Scale API functions?
[1 reply] : for that i must use 'XFORM' structure and SetWorldTransform() functio... (by Cambalinho)
Playing an audio file results in program not responding.
I'm trying to make a simple audio player in C++ using the Win32 API. Everything works perfectly fine...
[5 replies] Last: The OP stated they are using the Win32 API, so MCI is appropriate inst... (by deleted account xyzzy)
ActiveX or what?
Are ActiveX or ATL controls valid for new modern projects based on Visual C++ 2022 or what other typ...
[5 replies] Last: While bumping around in the VS installer in modify mode I noticed a wo... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by tonic
RDP Protocol
Hello guys, I recently started to play around with different Network Protocols, im trying to build ...
[3 replies] Last: There's quite a lot of detail here: (by kbw)
by PacR
Windows message happen only one time.
#include <tchar.h> #include <windows.h> HDC hdc; /* Declare Windows procedure */ LRESUL...
[6 replies] Last: To define a custom window message, you should do something like this: ... (by kigar64551)
More <windows.h> weirdness
What's the trick to including <windows.h>? I have two projects. The first has the following include...
[10 replies] Last: Yes, I'm using precompiled headers. They significantly shorten my bui... (by AbstractionAnon)
Adding Picture box crashes program
Hi, I am having trouble adding a picturebox to my form. It shows up fine in the designer. But when...
[no replies]
by Geckoo
Hello. Using my 2d engine, I participated in an event which has been hosted on - a cool plac...
[7 replies] Last: File size probably is not that much of an issue nowadays. An actual d... (by kigar64551)
Socket handling on internet disconnect
Hello guys, i need to know how i can check wheather the server, connected to by the client is sti...
[2 replies] Last: There's also the socket timeout value that you can set as the default ... (by kbw)
by Geckoo
Windows programming: where to start?
Hello. Do you want to code under Windows? You want a good thing :) I am happy to share with you my o...
[11 replies] Last: Done :) I understand now. (by Geckoo)
I've never noticed this before, but when using GetTextMetrics() to get the height of the font to dis...
[3 replies] Last: Found the problem. I was redefining a font to be a little larger at s... (by dodge55)
by ruzip
GetSystemDirectoryA to String Variable
I'm trying to pass the result of GetSystemDirectoryA to a string variable or const char *. What's t...
[4 replies] Last: Should first determine the required buffer length, then allocate the b... (by kigar64551)
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