Windows Programming - August 2022

How Can I make my Program Faster? (1,2)
Hi, I have some code for a button Mouse Down Event. When I click the button it takes about 30 sec...
[20 replies] Last: @thmm. That works perefectly thanks! And that link looks really useful... (by Cyclone)
by oddy
How can I run a Unix Shell script Under Windows?
As the title, I have the source code of GCC, and I am going to build GCC using it. However, as every...
[6 replies] Last: Are you building that package to run as a native Windows app, or via c... (by kbw)
by ruzip
Create, Suspend and Resume Windows Threads
I'm looking for a more concise example of using windows threads, even with a main loop just running ...
[18 replies] Last: I think it's a C vs. C++ thing. In C, the parameter name can not be ... (by kigar64551)
How fixed this error template argument
Hello , code : template<typename T, bool EnableVirtual = true> inline void Write(LPVOID lpAddress...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=seeplus]Upgrade VS2010 to the latest VS2022. That requires x64... (by George P)
CallWindowProcW When to use
hey everyone i have difficulties in understanding what's going on with UNICODE. example1: I c...
[2 replies] Last: Something else to consider about ANSI vs. Unicode versions of WinAPI f... (by George P)
by Geckoo
Assembly with C++
I made a little test today in order to understand how to implement some ASM code inside a C++ progra...
[5 replies] Last: I think unless the function is declared with __attribute__((naked)) ,... (by kigar64551)
Hi, I am getting this error when I run my program. When I add more characters to my text box it cras...
[15 replies] Last: Just to follow-up on my question and your answer. The difference is th... (by Ganado)
by oddy
An error when running "make"
As the previous thread, I have installed and tried two types of Unix shell separately: Git Bash and ...
[3 replies] Last: yes that is the standard windows command prompt error message when you... (by jonnin)
TEMP/TMP Folder access
I am doing an GUI for Tortoise SVN with C++ Builder and and i can't find any document to save my fil...
[1 reply] : AFAIK, the class TIniFile deals with opening/reading/writing/closing t... (by seeplus)
by hbcpp
Avoid Clear Text Password in Source File
I have an application that has default passwords stored in a variable as clear text in the source fi...
[10 replies] Last: Ok thank you for the answer, basing on your suggestions I will try to ... (by hbcpp)
compiling an SFML c++ program on a Windows computer
I have an old Dell laptop that has Windows 10. I have tried a few times to install g++ (unsuccessfu...
[16 replies] Last: I'll say it again and then I'll "Elvis Has Left The Building". Step Z... (by George P)
How to speed up compile time?
Hi just wondering how I can speed up compile times. It takes about a minute every time I compile to ...
[13 replies] Last: Build/Build Solution will (re)compile all those projects in the soluti... (by seeplus)
  Archived months: [jul2022] [sep2022]

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