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Windows Programming - April 2023

I have font class which is a wrapper around API's that create HFONT . Relevant excerpt from class:...
Apr 29, 2023 at 5:44pm
[1 reply] : In the meantime I've found a better method with IDWriteGdiInterop::Cr... (by malibor)
Is tab control a parent like group box?
Talking of common controls and talking with my self to determine control relationships, I need help ...
Apr 23, 2023 at 6:16pm
[5 replies] Last: This article from Raymond Chen really confirms what I have been debugg... (by malibor)
How to debug a CMakeLists.txt in MSVC 2022?
I read that it is possible to debug a CMakeLists.txt file in MSVC 2022 but I have not been able to a...
Apr 22, 2023 at 8:46pm
[2 replies] Last: Configure CMake debugging sessions in Visual Studio https://learn.mic... (by deleted account xyzzy)
What should be return value for WM_CONTEXTMENU?
I'm handling a WM_CONTEXTMENU to show a pop up menu. According to docs there is no return value. ...
Apr 22, 2023 at 12:46pm
[2 replies] Last: Yes it seems return value is not important but I'm unable to find some... (by malibor)
by ruzip
Printing International Fonts w/o changing console fonts
This one works, but is changing the whole console font and size. Is there a windows way simil...
Apr 3, 2023 at 11:20am
[2 replies] Last: @maxim2511 I think mixing Win32 API functions and C/C++ Runtime fun... (by kigar64551)
  Archived months: [mar2023] [may2023]

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