How to start windows programming?

Could someone tell me where can i learn windows c++ programming from?
And what tools would i need to manage graphics and stuff like that??

Hi there!

I am learning.
Does anyone have a different site?
mcupryk's one is kinda all jumbled up and i dont know where to start :P
You could refer to The tutorial is very popular and very good, but it has a big flaw: It doesn't properly show how to use Windows.h. Specifically, the code samples assume your projects will be set up to compile without #define UNICODE, but ALL new projects in Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 default to using UNICODE. End result: None of the samples compile.

So my recommendation: Read and start learning. Once you get the basics, read my response here: . This should place you back in the right track.

Tools to "managed graphics and stuff" is hard to answer. Define what you need, exactly. For example, MS Paint is good for simple graphics in JPEG and PNG format, but doesn't handle the icon format.
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