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How to debug a CMakeLists.txt in MSVC 2022?

Apr 22, 2023 at 4:39pm
I read that it is possible to debug a CMakeLists.txt file in MSVC 2022 but I have not been able to accomplish it!!

Is it possible? How?

Apr 22, 2023 at 7:15pm
Open up Visual Studio Installer, click modify and under "individual components" into search box type "cmake"

Check the "C++ Cmake tools for Windows" and install it.

I don't know if this let's you debug cmake files, debugging cmake files is rather strange because cmake isn't a programming language, however this component provides you with syntax highlighting and with cmake.exe to execute your cmake.txt files.
Apr 22, 2023 at 8:46pm
Configure CMake debugging sessions in Visual Studio


Of course that doesn't debug the CMake file itself, it modifies whether a release or debug session is launched from an executable built using CMake.

It's amazing the information the internet has available when doing a 'net search instead of relying on others for answering questions. Hint, here's the DDG search I did.

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