Do you want a refrence book (in which case Bjarne Stroup's book is probably the best)
Or a learning book (in which case I'd suggest C++ for Dummies)
Side note: Bjarne Stroup is the creator of c++...
Or perhaps: Design Patterns (GoF)?
Many of the C++ patterns there are workarounds for C++ limitations (= not needed anywhere else), so we can consider it a C++ book.
C++ for dummies I wouldn't recommend...I have it myself and I can't say I'm very pleased with it.
And xorebxebx, can you please make for once and for all clear, why that you are on this forum instead of a Scala one.
I have to admit, your anti-c++ BS is really getting old.
Did I say something wrong?
Anyway, the GoF book is a good book for anyone who seriously wants to write in C++.
Another one is "Modern C++ Design", but it is hardly OOP (and this is a good thing, as OOP is often overrated).