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How much would this program cost?

May 14, 2023 at 8:52am
I need to make program, which will calculate all permutations of all foods in grams, and output how much of all foods to eat so I reach near perfect RDA on all nutrients! While it should be able give reasonable meals to eat and give foods which are suitable for breakfasts etc. and generate meal plans... So it will be very very complicated! I will send hair to like nutrigenetics lab, so they can estimate my personal RDA...


There are not even dieticians in our country (doctors with high school), all scam, will ask hundreds of $ and give you random diet plan like it was randomly generated, it is all scam. Besides we have terrible healtcare in our country, i will have to travel to other country literally for a doctor... Don't tell me what i should do!!! Either answer my question, or rather don't please!

PS: I want to ask more ppl to get estimate of a price, so i don't get scammed in any case, and don't know what programmer with what skills to hire for this best!
Last edited on May 14, 2023 at 8:53am
May 14, 2023 at 1:50pm
no one can estimate this without a lot more details.

what do you mean "all foods"? What makes something 'suitable' for a meal? Permutations of what, exactly? Permutations of all foods by name? That means like all meat pizza with fried rice and an apple. How would it know that most people wouldn't like that at all, and whether its good for breakfast or not? Permutations (I think you meant combinations, actually) smells of brute force, whereas if you have a smarter idea it can skip nonsense combinations rather than generate them and avoid both the generation of them (cheap, but there are too many!) and testing if the combination is something people would eat (difficult, probably costly test).

For a quick scope of the 'all foods' problem: "A new study by researchers at the University of Oxford claims that, after surveying nearly 300,000 edible food items in the U.S., Europe, India, China, and Brazil" ... but in reality, many of those 300k can be cooked many ways and each one affects nutrition! Just getting all that data into the program to crunch the combinations is going to cost you a fair amount.

so breaking that down, you are paying someone to do something like this:
find a way to get the nutritional values for all the foods in the world into a usable format (this may exist, or enough of it to work with, and it may or may not be free if it does, I do not know)
find a way to determine the tastes of foods from data so they can be arranged together in a pleasing way
find a way to determine the suitability of foods for various mealtimes
probably needs quality of life enhancements to let the user remove items they do not like or are allergic to etc and score results to see their favorites more often in a generated plan.

the actual crunching may take a while even on a hot computer, but generating the combinations (say, up to 4 items per meal?) that provide the specified RDA values and organizing those results into a 'plan' using inputs is actually the easy part. That part someone can probably do in a month or less, depending on details/features that you want, faster if you don't need a UI. For only this part and none of the above, $5000 USA might be enough if you use low cost coders and maybe free AI generated pieces and free libraries and so on. The combination and selection is well understood and basic difficulty level. Its the items up above, figuring out taste and suitability and all, that are impossible to estimate and extremely difficult to solve.
Last edited on May 14, 2023 at 1:53pm
May 14, 2023 at 2:29pm
Don't bother trying to get personalized RDA values. Nutrition science is nowhere near advanced enough to get such values. In fact RDAs in general should be taken with a grain of salt. There's very little data on how far up or down a person can stray from a daily intake of a particular nutrient before it negatively affects their health. Just to name an example, the usual caloric allowance for an adult is 2000 kcal, but some athletes reach into the 4000-5000 kcal.

Optimizing your diet like this is not only pointless but actually impossible. Your body has varying needs that depend on your behavior and environment and also regulates itself to maintain adequate levels of the various molecules and ions it needs as the intakes of each goes up or down.
Just eat a normal, moderate diet of diverse foods and your body will figure it out. For the time being, anything else someone tells you is pseudoscience.
May 15, 2023 at 10:13am
I Am desperate, I know nutrigenetics is just nascent field. But i have nothing better. I have severe RSI, maybe neuropathic pain and there is no cure, even neurologist told me so... And probably neuroinflammation... I Am so fucking desperate, i couldn't even do anything 7 years... I forgot to check more into this longest time... Because i didn't even get to it... Yeah i knew it won't probably be much, but i realize i never really got to research it properly because 7 years i suffer from insane procrastination... I got so ahead of myself... So it is no worth at all you say? I know food science is extremely complicated and even experts disagree mostly and we have no general food advice, let alone personalized... Well it looks like as you say: not even worth to bother as we have nothing yet to estimate this on personal level such as it would be any accurate... It would be like shoot into dark, or do even more harm then good...
Need to look into it more then! But yeah i expect to find out what you say...

Last edited on May 15, 2023 at 10:17am
May 15, 2023 at 1:40pm
So why exactly is reaching 100% of the RDA so vitally important?
You're not immediately screwed if you only reach 99% or go over to 101%

And who's RDA anyway?

It's not like there's any kind of consensus.
USA: 75 or 90 mg/day
UK: 40 mg/day

The error bars are 100% - you can't make this nonsense up.

They're all just figures yanked out of thin air by statisticians, based purely on what most people eat in general and whether they seem to be in reasonable health because of it.

Then factor in that all the product labelling information uses the word "typical". No two items of food (say a block of cheese) bought at different times will have the same amount of Calcium down to the microgram that is either "the same as on the packaging" or "the same as each other".

> I will send hair to like nutrigenetics lab, so they can estimate my personal RDA...
Yeah, keyword being "estimate".
Some pseudo-scientific voodoo, throw some dice on the table and send you a figure and an invoice for their "effort".

You're measuring a problem with a micrometer, marking it with chalk and cutting it with an axe.
May 16, 2023 at 5:15pm
I would say trying to adhere to an artificially bounded diet based on arbitrary values rather than eating what you crave makes it more likely that you'll end up with some nutrient deficiency. Normally the only people who get those are
1. People going through a food shortage and those in a circumstance where they can't source the particular nutrient. E.g. Sailors used to get scurvy, until they figured out it was a vitamin C deficiency.
2. People whose bodies have trouble absorbing the nutrient.
3. People intentionally restricting their diet.
Your idea presupposes that you can eat whatever you want any time you want, so it doesn't help with #1. Presumably you don't have a nutrient absorption problem, or you'd have mentioned it, so #2 is not an issue. However, following a computer-generated diet plan would put you in category #3.
May 17, 2023 at 12:06am
It already exists: Google.
You might do your study, blood tests, what ever it is you want to have done. If the test says you are low on potassium, google "What food is high in potassium" and eureka! You need to add some salmon, potatoes, and a banana to your diet this week.

And then test yourself again a week or a month later.

Hopefully you find some way to test yourself that is economical (I was able to find a dozen at-home tests where you order a kit, some did cost a lot), but if you are in pain as you say, then go to a real doctor, describe your issues and ask for a full work-up. I'm sorry that you don't trust your local doctors, but google can help you find someone that has good reviews, or perhaps locate a trusted family doctor.

But just googling RSI (Repetitive strain Injury) indicates that nutrition is not enough. You need to be doing corrective exercises, strengthen your core muscles, practice better posture, and if possible change the type of motion that is causing the stress. Perhaps request a physical therapist who specializes in RSI to guarantee you are doing the correct exercises.

Youtube is also your friend.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdD7CgN5FGg - If we are specifically focused on the wrists, then do these stretches, stick with it for a week at least. Don't over do them, but do them two or three times a day.

I am not "Telling you what to do". This is what I found after about 10 minutes of google-browsing. I am not a Doctor. I am showing you two tools that not only cost billions of dollars to develop, but are completely free to use and can help to solve your problem.
Last edited on May 17, 2023 at 7:10am
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