General C++ Programming - October 2024

what does T = 0 mean in a template parameter?
What does T = 0 mean in the following code: template<typename T, T = 0> T moduloOf(T a, T b...
[4 replies] Last: Indeed: "initialized with value 0" limit what type the T can be? (by JUANDENT)
When does early binding happen?
Thing 1: Static binding takes place during compilation - function calls are replaced with an inst...
[1 reply] : I guess this is what's called "devirtualization" which GCC has optimiz... (by Peter87)
Would like some testers please
Sorry is this is the wrong forum. If possible I would like someone to try out my program. It wo...
[10 replies] Last: There's a special GitHub repo set up to make it easy to learn how to f... (by deleted account xyzzy)
_Safe_add checks for overflow but does not do anything to report the problem!
Looking at VC++ source files I find in ratio the following: what is the purpose of _Safe_add_in...
[5 replies] Last: Neat example, thanks. (by Ganado)
templates class friends strong types
Hello all, first a bit of background. Land Surveying involves many types of: Angles, Bearings; Di...
[8 replies] Last: I read Jonathon Boccara's blog That article is from 2016, C++20's co... (by deleted account xyzzy)
  Archived months: [sep2024] [nov2024]

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