General C++ Programming - November 2023

by PeteDD
Adding methods to class via derived class
I am using an NTPClient and want to add a few methods to its functionality. I have no difficulty go...
[1 reply] : solved... but only in part... added "MyNTP::" in .cpp String MyNTP... (by PeteDD)
Convert string_view to string ref
As a simple test case for much larger code, I want to pass std::string_view as a param to a function...
[3 replies] Last: Elwood P. Dowd is on stand-by. (by George PlusPlus)
Threading implementation using setjmp.h
Hi guys, A little bit of preamble will help me segue into the topic at hand. I've been using chat...
[12 replies] Last: If the I/O thread makes an I/O request via a system call such as writ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Cplusc
Reading PNG file
I am utilizing the OpenCV library to read a PNG file and successfully visualize it. The PNG file rep...
[2 replies] Last: The PNG file has also gone. (by salem c)
  Archived months: [oct2023] [dec2023]

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