General C++ Programming - December 2023

boolean test
For bool b, is the test if (b) slightly faster than if (!b)? For example, should I change code i...
[8 replies] Last: I don't think we can say in general which is "faster". If there is an... (by mbozzi)
How to get std::priority_queue to update dynamically when element priorities change?
Suppose you have a custom type, Foo , whose Num member is used to determine priority in a priorit...
[4 replies] Last: what you are talking about is a sorted container that is smart enough ... (by jonnin)
run tasklist in c++
Is there a function in C PLUS Plus to know which programs are running on the other user? like this: ...
[6 replies] Last: thanks all so much , solved (by Hawlong)
Need Help with C++ Basics!
Have a look at this site: For a book I suggest Ivor Horton's 'Beginning ...
[4 replies] Last: Back in the 1980's all of the McDonald's on Oahu had Portuguese Sausag... (by George PlusPlus)
convert autoit code to c++
hello all , please how can convert this code to c++ What this code does is when I go to another use...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for replay jonnin i have 10 users in my pc ,i created a progra... (by Hawlong)
Turn-based Card Game Feature: Out-of-turn Trade Request
Just FYI, I haven't written any code for the game. I'm in the planning phase, brainstorming how cert...
[2 replies] Last: As I see it, you have three choices ( order of difficulty) 1) The si... (by AbstractionAnon)
by PeteDD
Constructor for derived class
I am adding some methods to the NTPClient by creating a derived class MyNTP. But now, I can't fig...
[11 replies] Last: Thank you all! @SeePlus, Yes, exactly, thank you! But what you're ... (by PeteDD)
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