General C++ Programming - March 2022 (Page 2)

by Cplusc
Adjacent Cell
I have a grid in which every cell build up of 3 nodes. I need to find the neighboring cell of every ...
[3 replies] Last: bool adjacent {}; then take the output of your slow code and shovel i... (by jonnin)
Directshow RenderStream returns E_INVALIDARG
I am working on a video capture program under windows that takes frames from the webcam and saves ea...
[1 reply] : Maybe you should check if the Reads on L42 and L48 fail (i.e., add an ... (by DizzyDon)
Ensure "Shuffling" for Blackjack code
I have been giving an assignment to create a BlackJack program,and have been given some starter code...
[4 replies] Last: Ignoring the Windows-specific coding here's one possible way to ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by frek
Pointers, deletion and nullptr
If an allocation happens with the new operator we have to deallocate the allocated memory which ha...
[9 replies] Last: Yeah, that's right, thanks, that was probably a typo, since this as a ... (by frek)
Please help with my code
I have to create c style functions header file and then create a cpp file to use the functions this ...
[3 replies] Last: Perhaps: size_t Strlen(const char* s) { const char* sc {s}; ... (by seeplus)
lvalue required as left operand of assignment in C++ class (1,2)
Hi. Can someone please point me where and why am I making the lvalue required as left operand of as...
[26 replies] Last: @seeplus: thanks for this additional code snippet. It's helpful...... ... (by BZKN)
Valgrind errors
Hello I am fairly new to coding in c++ and I had some question about the errors I have been getting ...
[4 replies] Last: ==282== Address 0x5b80440 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 7 free'd... (by salem c)
by tonic
Why Hex? C++
Hello guys, I recently put an eye on some game projects/ server and client.. but when sending dat...
[4 replies] Last: wow thank you guys 100 times (by tonic)
Understanding a program that organizes a 1D array
Aight so this is gonna be a long one because my professor is a rat bastard who gave us a program to ...
[11 replies] Last: I was thinking a custom compare to sort by even/odd then by value... (by jonnin)
Develop a C++ program to calculate salary based on working days for a week.
Can anyone try to complete the code below Yes. Will I? No. What's the requirement? What is the...
[1 reply] : It looks like you want someone to do the work for you, for free. The ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Help with writing Fuctions and driver program
I have a problem with creating a .h function program and a driver program to test the functions. th...
[6 replies] Last: Possibly: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> template<typename ... (by seeplus)
by helios
Better fstream?
Does anyone know any portable file classes that expose more control over files than what <fstream> p...
[5 replies] Last: Er, you can do all those FileMode things with standard iostreams as-is... (by Duthomhas)
by Cplusc
distributed matrix vector multiplication
Fist of all I apologize if the question is not purely programming. Let's say I'm working with 2 MPI ...
[9 replies] Last: @lastchance This is just a simple case, let's say two elements and 4 n... (by Cplusc)
function template has already been defined
Hi, I have template<typename T> have_sort test_sort(decltype(&T::sort), decltype(&T::sort));...
[5 replies] Last: yes Peter87 but that is another issue. For now lets not think about th... (by JUANDENT)
index of a found string element of a vector using find function
How can I find the position of an element in the vector I am searching the element in for?
[1 reply] : Perhaps something like: const auto itr {std::find(vect.begin(), vec... (by seeplus)
Check if string element is not an element of a vector of strings
How can I check if a string isn´t an element of a vector of strings. The idea is, if the current st...
[2 replies] Last: Something like: const auto itr {std::find(operations.begin(), opera... (by seeplus)
find function element at the end
If the element I am trying to find using the find function is at the end of a vector, from what I un...
[3 replies] Last: is it true that there isn´t really a way for me to tell if I found i... (by AbstractionAnon)
by frek
Passing Cars
A non-empty array A consisting of N integers is given. The consecutive elements of array A represen...
[3 replies] Last: We should've used > 1000'000'000 instead. :) thanks. (by frek)
by frek
Missing Integer
Write a function: int solution(vector<int> &A); that, given an array A of N integers, returns the...
[17 replies] Last: There is a picture of access patterns on this page Thank you for tha... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Calculate value of an element based on values of others elements of the same array
Say I have a temp array with 3 elements and I change the values of the first 2 elements using a for ...
[1 reply] : Within the loop that changes the values of the first 2 elements, the t... (by seeplus)
March 2022 Pages: 1234... 7
  Archived months: [feb2022] [apr2022]

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