by Cplusc
switch in c++
[6 replies] Last: Thanks (by Cplusc)
by Annaer
Pseudocode implementation of forward search algorithm
[2 replies] Last: This is a very general expression of the algorithm. Can you give some ... (by dhayden)
by cool123dude
XOR Paths
[3 replies] Last: @cool123dude, Show your input format and your attempt. You can do it ... (by lastchance)
by JackLadYT
referncing an int using boost
[7 replies] Last: You haven't shown the error message, so can't tell you. (by AbstractionAnon)
by megs1822
Reading Binary Files
[2 replies] Last: Can you provide the input file? Use C++ strings and vectors instead o... (by dhayden)
by kseokjk
Read file by column
[7 replies] Last: Yes - assuming that smallest is set to some initial high value that wo... (by seeplus)
by JackLadYT
excpetion unhandled using boost
[9 replies] Last: im not sure what ive done but its fixed (by JackLadYT)
by Cplusc
c++ class
[4 replies] Last: L10 Pass matrix by const ref and not by value. This is currently doing... (by seeplus)
enable_shared_from_this initializes an empty weak ptr so how does it work its magic?
[6 replies] Last: Thank you so much!! Both @mbozzi and @JLBorges!! It is clear now (by JUANDENT)
by GroovyJack
help with Vector class question
[3 replies] Last: Perhaps: #include <initializer_list> #include <algorithm> #include ... (by seeplus)
by Cplusc
default constructor does not exist in the class
[12 replies] Last: Admittedly the const version is a bit silly without a way to initializ... (by Ganado)
by eri0o
for(int i; i<length; i++) performance
[7 replies] Last: It's been shown in articles by cppstories that simply replacing std::a... (by seeplus)
by Cplusc
Class in c++
[12 replies] Last: Thanks (by Cplusc)
by peteryyds
How is this inheritance used and produced
[1 reply] : I believe you've already been asked to use code tags around your code.... (by kbw)
by David00
Why does emplacement allow you to discard const
[5 replies] Last: This blog talks about your const return type, and pretty much says it ... (by kbw)
by SirEnder125
Constructors/Assignment operators for class with int pointer
[12 replies] Last: Those are just reorder warnings telling you that your data members wi... (by seeplus)
by vboro
Capitalize given part of string?
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> using namespa... (by lastchance)
by peteryyds
How to write the main function
[3 replies] Last: @OP Here's a practical start. You will need to complete the class impl... (by againtry)