by julie2019
Top 10 bugs found by the static analyzer in C++ projects in 2019
[no replies]
by dariodem
Saving multidimensional vector to hdf5 format.
[1 reply] : Never done that, but since HDF5 has C++ interface and documentation, I... (by keskiverto)
by caragones
SFINAE problem
[3 replies] Last: template <typename C> static constexpr std::true_type test (d... (by mbozzi)
Exception Thrown |
[7 replies] Last: @doug4 i apologize to you i really do but i couldn't handle the situat... (by abdallahosama)
by shanno8
How would I Re-write the following binary search function so that it uses recursion
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int binsearch( int A , int value, int low, int h... (by lastchance)
Exception Thrown |
[2 replies] Last: I don't see the unresolved external. You don't need <algorithm> in yo... (by doug4)
by lo2
How to detect stack overflow?
[7 replies] Last: if it helps the vector version of double cov ; is vector<double> cov(... (by jonnin)
by mnnsa
is this a dynamic programming problem
[5 replies] Last: thanks, got it (by mnnsa)
by Aceix
Can a function return value be used in declaring an array
[2 replies] Last: oh...okay thanks (by Aceix)
by shanno8
How would I re-write the GetMin function
[2 replies] Last: template <typename T> T GetMin( T a, T b ) { return a < b ? a : b; }... (by nuderobmonkey)
by marhuum
C++ namespace with exception
[1 reply] : The presence of a using statement using namespace std; Doesn't pre... (by mbozzi)
by yabi2943993
Last digit of the factorial of an integer
[5 replies] Last: if you just want a factorial, there are a fairly small # you can have ... (by jonnin)
by marhuum
optional argument of a function
[15 replies] Last: @mbozzi, Thank you. That explains it. And that redirect site... (by dutch)
by shanno8
How many times is the constructor called in the following code
[3 replies] Last: [quote=shanno8]How many times is the constructor called in the followi... (by lastchance)
by akash16
Read Config File
[6 replies] Last: Thanks All. (by akash16)
by marhuum
what's the std::function<>
[3 replies] Last: crystal clear ! Thank ! (by marhuum)
by shanno8
What is the difference between the following two code segments?
[1 reply] : First code converts the int to a char. Second code casts int to a char... (by Ganado)
by ravss2
OPP Design For my Solution
[14 replies] Last: // TODO const, &, * #include <iostream> #include <string> #include... (by againtry)
by leelion
inability to read line, more than a specific one!!
[1 reply] : > for (int linenox2 = 0; getline (Index_list_1,line1) && linenox2 < at... (by salem c)
What is the meaning of not specifying a template parameter?
[1 reply] : I believe di::bind is a template struct and di::bind<ILogger>() create... (by JUANDENT)