by VoB
Why is this trivial code leaking memory?
[13 replies] Last: Generally, you only need worry about leaks in code that can be tracked... (by salem c)
by blaster123
how to find out what people celebrated their birthday this year
[1 reply] : Read a pair of y/m/d into variables Apply (by salem c)
by MA2121
Need Assistance fixing this program
[2 replies] Last: When posting, please use code tags so that the code is readable! #i... (by seeplus)
by anonymousph
Value keeps resetting once I go back to the menu
[12 replies] Last: Based upon file data, consider as a start: #include <iostream> #inc... (by seeplus)
by icegolem123
"Unresolved external symbol" even when the linker can find the function body
[2 replies] Last: I found the issue and fixed it, My issue was that my Utils.cpp file ha... (by icegolem123)
member function already defined or declared in variadic template
[2 replies] Last: Thanks @mbozzi! (by JUANDENT)
by juicypwner
trying to finalize this assignment
[2 replies] Last: the assignment details are here, sorry forgot to post it: https://past... (by juicypwner)
by Beginners12
C++ programming challenge
[12 replies] Last: Thanks for clarifying, @ Furry Guy ! Although, I was told that it i... (by JRManx)
by YViera
Is there an easier way of sorting this?
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <set> u... (by lastchance)
by joaoelson
Vector and Template
[1 reply] : As the code is very large, the main function of the code above is in t... (by joaoelson)
by YViera
Getting expression must have class type error as well as invalid types error. (Multithreading)
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> using namespace... (by dutch)
by soon45
I am having trouble for this C++ Payroll
[14 replies] Last: Hello soon45, agent max is correct I only showed the input part and... (by Handy Andy)
one or more multiply defined symbols found when using catch2
[3 replies] Last: Catch2 is a header only library where only one of the source files mus... (by JUANDENT)
by JRManx
HTML table with C++
[11 replies] Last: Thanks @thmm! It was just an experiment really, but that video was a b... (by JRManx)
by VoB
Fully qualified name and type alias as return value
[5 replies] Last: I've just tried to compile their code (with clang 12.0), and I always ... (by VoB)
by jtherudy96
C++ programming challenge
[4 replies] Last: thank you all for the help! i really appreciate it (by jtherudy96)
Padding for BMP files with Dynamic Memory
[5 replies] Last: The 'if' part needs the same test as the calculation if ((info1... (by dutch)
by frueda75
setprecision not working
[9 replies] Last: Eye-opening! Thanks, @Furry Guy! (by JRManx)
by woohyeon
std::unique_ptr::get vs std::shared_ptr
[5 replies] Last: I thought I'd point out something about the concept of shared ownershi... (by Niccolo)
by kitfox
It would be nice if C++ had better support for smart pointers
[11 replies] Last: As mbozzi points out it can be difficult to speak only in generalities... (by Niccolo)