General C++ Programming - December 2022

scrollbar api32
hallo c puls plus (ers) the scrollbar wand moves the value. do i need to set a int ? HWND S...
[2 replies] Last: he newbieg, i used the example form the link but the SCROLLBAR stil... (by nvthielen)
Function consolidation
I'm severely suffering from the 'morning after the night before' syndrome and have even trouble usin...
[7 replies] Last: Two overloads: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <strin... (by JLBorges)
can i create my own array type?
i need create a especific array type: Matrix4X4. but is like: float ProjectionMatrix ; can i cre...
[4 replies] Last: The 'typedef' and 'using' do not create "new type"; they define an al... (by keskiverto)
can we use vectors in compile time programming?
Hi, We can program with complex numbers during compile time like this: constexpr complex co...
[6 replies] Last: > no way to construct a std::vector at compile time and make it surviv... (by JLBorges)
by Mobo01
How to determine the greatest sum of the smallest and second smallest items from all available subarrays
Find the largest sum of the lowest and second smallest items in an array from all available subarray...
[5 replies] Last: Huh, craftier than the usual POS bots. Thanks for the heads up. (by Ganado)
why can an xvalue be an glvalue or a rvalue in C++17?
an xvalue is an expiring rvalue at the right side of an assignment. in which circumstance is an xval...
[10 replies] Last: There seems to be a difference between the built-in assignment operat... (by mbozzi)
Ulam conjecture (1,2)
Hello, I have a problem. I have to find a starting number (under 10^18) based on the length of the s...
[21 replies] Last: It's a frustrating problem: it's still a little arbitrary how many can... (by lastchance)
Initialize const with sum of array
Hi, I want to initialize a constant (TOTAL) as follows: const int N = 2; const int MY_ARR {3,...
[6 replies] Last: Ganado What you can't do, however, is then use the result of TOTAL... (by Alejandro Antonio)
how use multithread inside a class? (1,2,3)
i have the 'image' class.inside the class i have these function: void DrawLine3D(Position3D Origin,...
[52 replies] Last: i just need calculate the perspective on Start and the End line posit... (by coder777)
by Cplusc
reading txt file
I am trying to read a txt file line by line but I don't understand why my code can not open the txt ...
[13 replies] Last: [quote=Cplusc] visual studio 2022 Visual Studio is notorious for havi... (by George PlusPlus)
by Cplusc
shared pointer
I have a class as follows class Node:protected Model { public: int sizeofneighbour; VecDbl_t d...
[2 replies] Last: @Peter87 Thanks for your answer. (by Cplusc)
How to call a function inside a struct
Hello all , i found this code online But I don't understand it. Please explain this struct inside ...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks so much seeplus, MikeyBoy, kigar64551 I understand. Thank you... (by Hawlong)
Linking OnClick from data <xml>
I have created a small xml parser/encoder library that I call smollXML. Both the server program (t...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=seeplus]Note that #pragma weak isn't supported by VS IIRC "#p... (by George PlusPlus)
Colour glitch in code.
Hi, I am getting some inconsistency in colour values. I am getting a strange glitch in my code. I h...
[15 replies] Last: (by salem c)
get Elements of Recursion step-wise
Hello all, i cant figute out how to make my code work the way i want it to. make() gets me all the ...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you anyways. I worked out a even faster way to achieve so, and p... (by LukeProducts)
by helios
Hacking member accessibility
I'm working on a second version of my serializer. I want to be able to de/serialize some classes tha...
[12 replies] Last: I mean, that's just sensible IMO. That rule made no sense. (by helios)
Combining 2 bits to get a single integer value
Hi, I am trying to combine two binary numbers. For example if I have a binary value of 1 and a bin...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks Peter. I am gradually learning. Got it figured out somewhat. (by Cyclone)
Confused on how to continue the rest of the code
I need to add a code that allows the user to type in any number from 1 to 10 and it will print how m...
[4 replies] Last: Also, if you do need/want the array, you can print the random numbers ... (by seeplus)
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