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Use C++ 20 with Embarcadero

Mar 17, 2025 at 12:08am
I have been using C++ builder for some C projects. It works really well. However, I have been trying to run some code from a tutorial I want to follow and I get the error:
[bcc64x Error] File1.cpp(6): no member named 'format' in namespace 'std'
Reading more about it I see it is because I am not using C++ 20. Is there any way to update this in RAD Studio 12.3 -> C++ Builder? Any help or comments appreciated. Thanks
Mar 17, 2025 at 4:00am

Scroll down to "C++ Builder Clang Compiler"

Check out the picture, locate the "C++ Compiler : Compatibility" in your project options.

One of the compatibility options should be the version of C++ you're compiling with.
Mar 17, 2025 at 5:09pm
Thanks for answering. When I go to Project -> Options -> C++ Compiler < , I do not see any options to control anything related to the C++ version. Note, I had searched online and everything I found describes it as you do. However, when you go there it does not have anything like that.

I see some information about checking to see if I am using the Clang-enhanced compiler (bcca64 or bcc32x). However, I cannot find anywhere to check/change this.

Mar 17, 2025 at 5:14pm
The only thing I seem to be able to do is save my option file set. I see it is XML or something. I wonder if there is a way to modify this XML to include this ???
Mar 18, 2025 at 3:36am
The last recourse is the "other compiler options" where you can just list any other options you want.

Like -std=c++20
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