this is a longer thread, so thank you in advance for anyone who takes the time. It might be that no one can help me without sharing the whole github (which I can't do at the moment), but I will still try to summarize the issues.
I need some help with optimizing my simulation code for speed.
Particles move in a cubic simulation box with their positions and velocities being updated in a loop. In each iteration, a force is computed (most expensive part of the simu) for which the distances between all particle pairs are required like
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for (int i = 0; i < model.N_particles; ++i) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < model.N_particles; ++j) {
// get distance between particle i and j
// compute interaction between i and j
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I have implemented the whole simulation in an OO setup, where the force loop uses OpenMP multithreading (for which I had gotten help here: I am quite happy with the implementation of the full simulation, except for one thing: I have two different code versions, one for the one-dimensional case (where particles move in 1D) and one for the two-dimensional case. I wanted to unify this into a single code, where the dimension is passed in `argv`. This turned out to be surprisingly difficult to do without losing lots of speed (due to dynamic memory allocation).
More details:
In the fixed dimension case, I work with a struct to store positions, velocities, forces etc.:
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struct coordinate{
double x{0};
double y{0};
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This is the multithreaded force function:
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inline void simulation:: compute_force_par() // part of simulation class
// forces_for_all_tasks holds force vectors for each threads.
for (auto& forces_for_specific_task : forces_for_all_tasks)
std:: fill(forces_for_specific_task.begin(), forces_for_specific_task.end(), coordinate{0,0});
// iterate over particle pairs
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) num_threads(THREADS)
for (int i = 0; i < model.N_particles; ++i) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < model.N_particles; ++j) {
coordinate distance = model.get_distances_ij(i, j); // get distance from model
coordinate force_ij = (model.*(model.get_force_ij))(distance); // compute interaction
// now fill the force vectors on each thread
std:: vector <coordinate>& forces_for_this_task = forces_for_all_tasks[omp_get_thread_num()];
forces_for_this_task[i].x += force_ij.x;
forces_for_this_task[i].y += force_ij.y;
forces_for_this_task[j].x += -force_ij.x; // Newton's law F_ij = -F_ji
forces_for_this_task[j].y += -force_ij.y;
// Sum all of the task-specific forces into the output parameter
std:: fill(model.forces.begin(), model.forces.end(), coordinate{0, 0});
for (auto const& forces_for_specific_task : forces_for_all_tasks)
for (int i = 0; i < model.N_particles; ++i)
model.forces[i].x += forces_for_specific_task[i].x;
model.forces[i].y += forces_for_specific_task[i].y;
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The distance is computed via
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inline coordinate IPS_model:: get_distances_ij(const size_t i, const size_t j){ // part of IPS_model class.
double dx {positions[i].x - positions[j].x}; // positions is member of IPS_model and of
double dy {positions[i].y - positions[j].y}; // type std::vector <coordinate>
// take care of periodic boundaries...
coordinate distances {dx, dy};
return distances;
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In particular, I get away with creating a `coordinate` object from scratch here each time the function is run.
The ugly syntax for the interaction function pointer
coordinate force_ij = (model.*(model.get_force_ij))(distance);
is because I have different possible interaction functions
which are chosen during runtime (also passed to
), but the inner structure is similar to
Now, the problem with creating a version that works for d dimensions is that the struct
cannot be created like this because the number of double variables it needs to store is not known during compile-time. Naively, in a first attempt, I just got rid of that struct altogether and used
instead. This, however, led to a code that was 10 times slower!! The reason for that seemed to be 2-fold:
1) Recreating a
in the function
instead of the line
coordinate distances(dx,dy)
seems to be much more expensive. I think this is because the memory for the vector is allocated dynamically there as opposed to the struct whose size is known at compile time.
2) The `positions`, `velocities`, and `forces` vectors are now no longer of type
, each coordinate being a struct holding two `double`, but
. Apparently, this setup is less cache friendly as all of the inner vectors will not be stored in a contiguous way (as opposed to the double values of the struct).
I then created a version where no vectors where recreated in the tight double loop, only filled with elements. I also turned the 2D vectors into a flattened 1D vector to improve cache friendliness. That led to a much faster version, but it was still twice as expensive as the original one.
(end of post for word length limit)