I have a byte stream that represents a message in my application. There are 5 fields in the message for demonstration. The first byte in the stream indicates which message fields are present for the current stream. For instance 0x2 in the byte-0 means only the Field-1 is present for the current stream.
The mask field might have 2^5=32 different values. To parse this varying width of message, I wrote the example structure and parser below. My question is, is there any other way to parse such dynamically changing fields? If the message had 64 fields with I would have to write 64 cases, which is cumbersome.
if you have 64 fields, you need 64 extracts, yes.
The other option is if you have like 10-20 messages, you can do it 'message wise' instead of field-wise. That is, if message 1 has fields 11,12, 32, and 63 ... just group those up, and message 2 has fields 1-23 and 37, group that set up... and you have 10-20 cases instead of 64, but its less flexible (but more practical).
another option is to not 'name' the fields. That is, if field 1 is a double named whatever and field 2 is another double named something else, don't do that, share them and put something in the message to indicate maybe both what it is (type) and where it goes (location key). I don't know if you are doing anything like that or not?
also, will a loop work?
eg for(# of fields)
if field is there
switch field type (lookup by field #?)
case double: extract_double();
case int: extract_int(); ...etc?
finally you can combine the ideas... possibly make it message based with a presence within that to drop unused fields.
It is not possible to group the variables that are of same type, as I will be using the variable themselves actively that requires readability withing the code. I should look for other alternative solutions, I suppose.
You can use the variant/visit mechanism.
1. The variant will be the possible records you expect to receive.
2. Use a factory to create the correct type of variant from the stream.
3. Use visit to process.
3.1. You can have common processing, in which case a single handler does the common processing.
3.2. You can have distinct processing, in which case the handler will be like your switch.
Nothing I suggested would be unreadable if you took some time to implement it cleanly.
grouping variables of the same type, one really dumb and simple but readable way.
double data[3];
enum msgtype1{field1, field2, field3, mt1max};
enum msgtype2{red, green, blue, mt2max};
enum msgtype3{heading, pitch, roll, mt3max};
working with message type 2..
data[red] = something;
working with message type 3
data[pitch] = 3.14;
or for(i = 0; i < mt3max; i++)
foo(data[i]); //iterate all the items in that message of that type.
crude, but its readable if you use good enum names. There are other ways to do the above, its just a basic approach. 3 spaces, represent 9 things. It may not work for your code, that is fine. But it does not need to be a mess like making double_number_1 and using it for 20 different meanings. You can also use references to rename an array location if all the enums seems clunky. double &pitch = data[1];
I didn't know the variant/visit mechanism. I am going to check it and try to understand your suggestions. Thank you for recommendations.
I see, for a specific type of message, place the same types into single array and use enums to get the respective variable out of the array. Then, I will have a lookup table that shows the type of the n-th element in the message stream. I will see if I can arrange it, because to have consistency among the code, parsing or using message field should be somewhat same. Thank you for the elaboration.