Am I using files correctly?

closed account (Ey80oG1T)
So I have two files. One .cpp and one .h file.

The A.h file contains a class that has attributes and methods in it.

The B.cpp has #include "A.h" in it, it also is the "main" function, where everything will be taking place.

Is this everything I need? In my project, I have an empty .cpp file that has #include "A.h" in it. What is it for?
> I have an empty .cpp file that has #include "A.h" in it. What is it for?
Well I'm guessing it's called A.cpp

It's for the implementation of the class you have in A.h.

> The B.cpp has #include "A.h" in it, it also is the "main" function
Your B.cpp should ONLY be the main function, and other non member functions.


@salem c is correct. Just to clarify one thing he said---don't interpret his post to say that the #include "A.h" line should be removed.

The #include "A.h" line is needed in this file if you plan to create an object or call a method declared in "A.h" in main().

I believe the statement was meant to say (in general terms) that you should not define main() as well as A:: methods in the same .cpp file.

Edit: removed code tags from around "main()" to avoid the compile and run icon.
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it'll be easier to answer if you just post the files
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