Hello, I'm a student starting my 3rd year in CS.
I haven't landed a job yet, so I have no experience apart from assignments given by the university, so I though about implementing a shell (linux) in c++, to give a boost in my resume.
Is it a good project to work on? What are your thoughts?
*Note I have finished a course called "operating systems" which talks alot about linux and how operating system works.
> Hello, I'm a student starting my 3rd year in CS.
Has nothing in the previous 2 years really piqued your interest?
> What are your thoughts?
My thought is a project you create for yourself because you're passionate about it will come across a lot better at interview time than some lacklustre project you only tackled in a half-hearted manner because it's all that "someone on a forum" could suggest.
Employers look for proactive problem solvers able to create their own path.
If you're the kind of person always sitting around waiting to be told what to do next, then you'll always be at the centre of the cube farm, and the first to be let go at the end of the project or the next economic down-turn.
there is much OS and little C++ in a shell. Unless you go all-in, a simple shell is just going to be a syntax parser and calls out. If you go all-in, what is your plan... how will it be different/better/something than all the ones already out there? Its been done but you could make a dos shell for it :P
I would try to make something that is easier to demo. A shell is going to take 10 min of typing commands and trying to explain why its interesting … it would be lost on an interviewer who is a {manager, not a unix guru, others} and a unix person is going to be critical of it {not as good as whatever favorite shell}. Trust me, been down that path... years ago we put some amazing code in the old openflight program and all we got after one demo was "isn't that just openflight ?!". The extra functionality was lost on the inattentive audience.