what means ATM, UML and OOD?

can anyone explain to me what means ATM, UML and OOD?
ATM - Automated Teller Machine, where consumers may place deposits or withdraw cash at a bank after hours.

UML - Unified Modeling Language - a way of expressing the design of software visually.

OOD - Object Oriented Design - the design paradigms associated with object oriented programming (OOP), which itself is loosely defined by various attributes.

In this "object oriented" paradigms, the notion that "things" are associated with the processes enacted upon them and attributes associated with them naturally bind together. This is a notion common to human thought as much as software development.

For example, you do not drive a bicycle the way you drive a car. I chose that phrase specifically to strike readers as odd, because it is more common to say a bicycle is ridden, not driven. Similarly, you don't get into a bike or onto a car, but you do get onto a bike or into a car.

Even the English language (as most, too) associates specific phrases or words with objects in a relationship which is somewhat descriptive of the objects to which they apply.

This leads to a paradigm of software development, design and thinking which can offer leverage to developers writing the code.

This is especially useful when a method can be selected by type. A type is the "kind of object". In English, a car and a bike are two different types, both loosely similar in that they use wheels to provide locomotion.

When the processes written in code can be selected based on type, one may say this exhibits object behavior.

In a reverse perspective, objects may be designed to have attributes (stored as variables) as well as methods, giving rise to the creation of software as a collection of components.

The components may work together the way parts of a machine work together, which gives the software design a kind of realism that is otherwise difficult to express without language features intended for this purpose.

I sense you're reading a case study on how to develop ATM software using UML designs intended for an object oriented language (several papers appear when those three terms are combined in a search).
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to be honest, i'm reading a Portuguese book and more about C++... but the chapters are too big lol
and speak about ATM, UML and OOD.
the ATM is more confused and always speak about banks.
thank so much for all
ATM could also be the acronym for Asynchronous Transfer Mode. A way to digitally transfer data at very high speeds.
At The Moment
Under My Leg
Out Of Dinosaurs

The point is, acronyms usually have a dozen meanings. You need context to make sense of them. Otherwise, you can google them and get LONG lists of what each one COULD mean.

In the USA, ATM is commonly automatic teller machine, which is used in many classic student early problems. Its the thing what has a touch screen and takes or gives you money without a human's help, using your bank card and such. You can deposit checks or pull out cash there

Give us the sentences where one is used, and we can try to guess. Most books define terms …. did you look in the book itself?
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@jonnin, strangely, the OP did give just barely enough context to tell us it is the bank's ATM.

the ATM is more confused and always speak about banks.

From the second post, but in the first post, the three acronyms taken together, then put into a search reveals a number papers and blogs discussing the development of ATM (bank) software using UML and OOD.

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For all your TLA and FLA/ETLA needs.

The context of the question is C++, and the Asynchronous Transfer Mode acronym, ATM, ties in better to C++ and programming in general. As do the other two acronyms the OP asked about.

i'm reading a Portuguese book and more about C++

A lot of classroom assignments do have students write an ATM simulation. Nothing in the OP's comments made me think this was that specific of an assignment.

if ATM is like an expression, it can be like a connection between keyboard and screen? or USB pen drive and HDD?

@Furry Guy brought up another possible meaning - @jonnin was just pointing out the lack of context for meaning, but when you posted this:

the ATM is more confused and always speak about banks.

In the context of a bank (where we all keep money), the ATM has a well defined meaning. It is a machine mounted on the building of a bank (sometimes you find them in stores at a kiosk) where you can get money from your bank account.

It isn't about keyboards, computers (per se), USB drives or hard disks. It's about where you put your debit card to get money out of a machine, an Automated Teller Machine.
i'm sorry Niccolo, are you tell me that the ATM it's like an organized UML sample?
We have no idea; we're just guessing. You're not giving us enough information.

From what it sounds like, you want to make a UML diagram to show an object-oriented design for an Automatic Teller Machine.

Here's an example of a UML diagram for a bank ATM: https://www.uml-diagrams.org/examples/bank-atm-example.html

This is the picture of an ATM


It is often attached to the building of a bank.

It has nothing to do with UML.

UML's relationship to an ATM might exist only because the ATM may have a computer inside for which your book is suggesting you write software.

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thank so much Niccolo.
isn't easy to understand, but i get what you mean... thank you so much for all
that's why that sub-chapter it's optional
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...I was beginning to wonder :)

Perhaps ATM doesn't translate well, but they are so common in the US it just seemed difficult to recognize why it would be difficult to convey the concept. I suppose the image and @Ganado's last post was useful to clarify.

both helped me to understand ;)
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