int main()
SpellCheck spellChk;
string str1, str2;
Project7 hshstring;
HashTable MyHash;
int h, sumASCII;
char ch;
// User will choose from the menu what type of application to run
cout << endl << "Enter your choice: ";
cin >> h;
switch (h)
case 1:
hshstring.CreateFile(); // Create a new file
case 2:
MyHash.display(); // Display the contents of the file
case 3: // The user will have the option to add a word into the file
cout << "Adding a word from an existing file? (y/n)";
cin >> ch;
if ((ch == 'y') || (ch == 'Y'))
else if ((ch == 'n') || (ch == 'N'))
case 4: // Searching for a word inside a file
cout << "\nPlease Enter the File Name: ";
cin >> str1;
cout << "\nWhat word are you searching? ";
cin >> str2;
sumASCII = spellChk.spellCheck(str2);
MyHash.searchHash(sumASCII, str2, str1);
case 5: // Exit the program
cout << "\n**********Thank you for using this program**********" << endl;
default: cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl;
cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
} while (h != 5);
cout << endl;
return 0;
// Menu function
void menu()
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\nPlease enter your choice from the menu below: " << endl;
cout << "\n1 - Create a File" << endl;
cout << "2 - Open and display a File content" << endl;
cout << "3 - Add a word" << endl;
cout << "4 - Search for a word" << endl;
cout << "5 - Exit" << endl;
* The constructor of the program. In here any new pointer array *
* and regular array are initialized to zero or NULL *
//tail = new Node *[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Words[i] = "";
tail = new Node *[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
SetArr[i] = NULL;
tail[i] = NULL;
* The destructor of the program for the Project7 Class. *
* *
Node* temp;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
while (SetArr[i] != NULL)
temp = SetArr[i];
SetArr[i] = SetArr[i]->next;
delete temp;
* The add function in the implementation file performs the *
* construction of the hash table. I have elected to use the *
* chaining method to create the hash table. *
void HashTable::add(string x)
Node *p = new Node;
int indx = 0;
int TtlAscii = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < x.length(); i++)
indx = indx + (int)x[i]; // Converting the string into int by calculating the sum of the ASCII code
indx = indx % 5; // The sum of the ASCII code is then divided by 5, and the remainder will be the index of the array
p->info = x;
p->next = NULL;
if (SetArr[indx] == NULL) // Inserting the first word in the index
SetArr[indx] = p;
tail[indx] = p;
else // Inserting the next word in the index using single linked list
tail[indx]->next = p;
tail[indx] = p;
* The display function in the implementation file displays the *
* the hash table after the user provide the file name *
void HashTable::display()
string FName, Wrd;
char ch;
int j = 5;
cout << "\nEnter file name to be open: ";
cin >> FName;
ifstream FileOpen;;
if ( // if the file does not exist, returns to the main menu
cout << "\nInput file opening failed.No such file exist!!!!";
cout << "\nThe file contains the word: " << endl;
while (getline(FileOpen, Wrd)) // To get you all the lines
cout << Wrd << endl;
// The below coding will give the user the choice to see what the hash table looks like
cout << "\nDo you wish to see the hash table of these words? (y/n)";
cin >> ch;
cout << endl;
void HashTable::displayHash()
Node *Temp = new Node;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Temp = SetArr[i];
cout << i << ". ";
while (Temp != NULL)
cout << Temp->info << " ";
Temp = Temp->next;
cout << "\n";
* The CreateFile function in the implementation file will create *
* and save the word in the file. It will not be in the form of a *
* hash table *
ofstream MyFile;
cout << "\nFile name to create: ";
cin >> FileName;;
while ((ch == 'y') || (ch == 'Y'))
cout << "\nEnter a word: ";
cin >> Wrd;
MyFile << Wrd << endl;
cout << "\nThe word " << Wrd << " added succesfully to the file" << endl;
cout << "\nAdd more word? (y/n)"; // asking user if there is any more words to be added
cin >> ch;
cout << "\nFile saved!!" << endl;
cout << endl;
* The ReadFile function in the implementation file will open an *
* file, and added any word to the end of the file. In order to *
* perform this function, the ifstream and ofstream are opened *
cout << "\nEnter file name to be open: ";
cin >> FName;
ofstream fout; // input and output file streams are opened
ifstream fin; // input and output file streams are opened;
if (
cout << "Input file opening failed.\n";
{, ofstream::app);
while ((ch == 'y') || (ch == 'Y'))
cout << "\nEnter a word: ";
cin >> Wrd;
fout << Wrd << endl;
cout << "\nThe word " << Wrd << " added succesfully to the file";
cout << "\nAdd more word? (y/n)";
cin >> ch;
cout << "\nFile saved!!" << endl;
cout << endl;
int SpellCheck::spellCheck(string x)
string Wrd = x;
int indx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Wrd.length(); i++)
indx = indx + (int)x[i];
int TtlAscii = indx;
indx = indx % 5;
return indx;
void HashTable::searchHash(int x, string a, string b)
string Wrd;
string FName = b;
bool found = 0;
ifstream fin; // input file streams are opened;
if (
cout << "Input file opening failed.\n";
while (getline(fin, Wrd)) // To get you all the lines
Wrd = a;
Node *p = SetArr[x];
while (p != NULL)
if (p->info == Wrd)
found = 1;
p = p->next;
if (found == 1)
cout << "The word exist";
cout << "The word does not exist";