finding the max power using recursion

i have this program assignment and one part of it is trying to find the max power a number will go to(x) without exceeding a number the user inputs it not to exceed(y). we are using it in a function. this is the whole program and what i have for max power it just keeps returning 0.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// meunue where you can get your options from
void menue(){
cout << "choose the following options:" << endl;
cout << "1) Power of x raised by y." << endl;
cout << "2) Find the max power a number can be raised to." << endl;
cout << "3) Print out a number with its digits in reversed order." << endl;
cout << "4) Sum of integers from 1 to n." << endl;
cout << "5) Product of integers from 1 to n." << endl;
cout << "6) Quit" << endl;

//functions for finding the power usign recursion
int Power(int a, int b){
int x=1,i;
for (i=1;i<=b;i++){
if (b==0){
return Power(a,b--);
return x;
int maxpower( int n, int max_value ){
int temp = temp * n;
if( temp > max_value )
return 0 ;
else return maxpower( n, max_value + 1 ) ;

int reverse(int number){
int lastDigit, numberOfDigits, sign = 1;//sets the sign equal to one
// if number is less than 0 returns 0
if(number < 0){
return 0;
//if a number is under 10 than it can not be switched so you times the number by 10 and switch it.
if(number < 10)
return number*sign;

lastDigit = number % 10;
number = number / 10;
numberOfDigits = log10(number) + 1;
//recursive statement that calls the function
return (lastDigit*pow(10,numberOfDigits) + reverse(number))*sign;

//finding the sum
int sum (int n){
if(n != 0){
return n + sum (n-1);//recursive statement
return n;

//finding the product
int product (int n){
int temp;
if(n <= 1) {
return 1;
else {
temp = n * product (n - 1);// recursive statement setting temp == to recursive statement
return temp;//returning temp


int main () {
int a;
int x;
int y;
int length = 0;
int temp;
int results;
// calls menue and get prints all the options

do {
//inserts the choice
cin >> a;

cout << "you choose:" << a << endl;//prints the choice out.
//switch statement that will take account for the number you choose and prints the results
switch (a){
case 1:
cout << "enter the number to raise" << endl;
cin >> x;
cout << " enter the power to raise to: " << endl;
cin >> y;
cout << "the result is:" << Power(x,y) << endl;

case 2:
cout << "Enter the number to raise:" << endl;
cin >> x;
cout << "Enter the number not to exceed:" << endl;
cin >> y;
cout << "the result is:" << maxpower(x,y) << endl;


case 3:
cout << " enter numbers to be reversed by: " << endl;
cin >> x;
temp = x;
while (temp != 0){
temp = temp / 10;
cout << "the result is:" << reverse(x) << endl;

case 4:
cout << "enter the number to sum to: " << endl;
cin >> x;
cout << "the result is:" << sum(x) << endl;


case 5:
cout << "enter the number to multiply to:" << endl;
cin >> y;
cout << "the result is:" << product(y) << endl;
case 6:
cout << "good bye!!" << endl;

} while (a!= 6);
return 0;
int maxpower( int n, int max_value ){
int temp = temp * n; // Using an uninitialized local variable
if( temp > max_value )
return 0 ;
else return maxpower( n, max_value + 1 ) ;

It should be :
int maxpower( int n, int max_value, int product = 1)
    if(static_cast<int>(pow(n, product)) >= max_value) return product;
    return maxpower( n, max_value, product + 1) ;
okay thank you but what does that do? i haven't learned about static_cast<int>
i am in just a beginners class so we haven't learned that
Okay thank you but what does that do? i haven't learned about static_cast<int>
I am in just a beginners class so we haven't learned that
Didn't your other post, here
solve this problem for you?

If there's something you don't understand about it, why don't you ask in that thread?
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