Beginners - October 2022 (Page 2)

Need help for slicing a 3D array into 2D
Hello everyone, I need your help and I will be very happy if you can. I have a 3D matrix like this...
[2 replies] Last: type def the type of A . take a pointer to your new type, call it foo... (by jonnin)
Tree data structure/ Memory leak
Hi guys, I'm currently taking an online C++ course and I'm a little bit curious about the buildTree(...
[4 replies] Last: Though your OS isn't likely to allow your program to access all of ... (by jonnin)
Calculating the Duration of a Factorial Calculation (1,2)
Hi, I'm trying the calculate a factorial calculation's duration. But the code that I wrote is giving...
[20 replies] Last: Very cool, do you know if it results in a compiler error if the compi... (by mbozzi)
Unresolved external errors - what is wrong
Hi, I am rusty and I am trying to do exercises using C++ again. I have separate .cpp, header and mai...
[4 replies] Last: @Geckoo, the OP's gotta start somewhere. It is after all labelled exer... (by salem c)
Visual Studio stopped working?
I was using my VS fine for a while then all of a sudden I get this weird dialog box when compiling a...
[11 replies] Last: If you are still using VS 2019 consider upgrading to VS 2022. If your... (by deleted account xyzzy)
How to improve C++ Program? (1,2)
Following C++ program compiled and ran using MS VS2022 Community edition. Please help improve this ...
[22 replies] Last: > L15 checks that the value of the given enum is within the permitted ... (by JLBorges)
User input with class methods (1,2)
I've come to the point where I need to collect user input and create the instance of a matrix. I've ...
[21 replies] Last: We all went through the Matrix::multiply() function version of stuff ... (by seeplus)
Vector Erase Confusion
Hi everyone, I'm trying to convert some C++ code to another language but I'm struggling to unders...
[6 replies] Last: If you didn't want to modify the original, there's std::unique_copy .... (by mbozzi)
Hi I'm working with Xcode and I am having problems with the dylib. I'm trying to add two dylibs to...
[2 replies] Last: Hello. I have no experience with MacOS and Xcode 11. However I guess t... (by Geckoo)
by Bumzag
Build and modify a project from existing source code
Sorry for the dumb question but can someone give me a roadmap to build a project from an existing so...
[4 replies] Last: and.... life is too short to fix a train wreck. Unless it is exceedi... (by jonnin)
Sequential Search
there's an error on this program supposedly how can I utilize it to become a linked list and array a...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you guys for the help! (by cplus2303)
Testing Strings
Hi, I put together a program that is supposed to print an alien word called a "blurb." A blurb consi...
[9 replies] Last: Okay, I had to come back to it with a fresh set of eyes and rethink it... (by stoneJax)
About compiler (1,2)
g++ -wall -g .... What those called: -wall -g Where can I find the full list of them, with usa...
[25 replies] Last: Thanks @it worked) Thank you everyone else (by ninja01)
building a multilayer perceptron
I want to build a multilayer perceptron and am almost done. I cannot initialize a test object though...
[12 replies] Last: sorry I went for a run, thats why I'm replying so late. I wanted to pu... (by closed account E093605o)
by acprog
swith into while
Hello, you knows why is happenig this. I mean, when I run the code and introduce a mistake the defau...
[1 reply] : you compiler settings are unable to handle the non-english characters ... (by jonnin)
About character sets
I looped through 512 characters and I realized that: my character set is 256. so it is not an 7-bit ...
[11 replies] Last: [quote=ninja01]Did you copy-past the hand, or write it using your keyb... (by Peter87)
About files, little bit related to c++
I am experimenting a thing here, Well some files are encrypted, others are not. Two of the last cate...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks @JLBorges (by ninja01)
building a multilayer perceptron
Hello, I am trying to build a MLP to learn C++. So far I have implemented a small linear algebra li...
[2 replies] Last: thanks, it works now. (by closed account E093605o)
C++20 VS2022 program to count lines please
I need help in writing C++20 program using VS2022 please. Program has to read any cpp/cc or hpp/h ...
[7 replies] Last: If there is already an existing such a C++20 program, may I have its ... (by seeplus)
October 2022 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [sep2022] [nov2022]

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