Beginners - May 2023

develop an operating system How to develop an operating system using C++ I found a ...
[4 replies] Last: From the osdev site above, for OS I can recommend the books by Tanenba... (by seeplus)
codes infinite loop
my code bugs when i put a long name at line 180 #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[4 replies] Last: Line 205 and 206 in the code above prints the filipino and average gra... (by Peter87)
Class with iteration capability like std::map
Good day! I am currently learning C++ and am struggling with implementing some test class, just f...
[12 replies] Last: Referring back to JLBorges's code from above, OP noticed that for( au... (by mbozzi)
too many arguments in function call
it is related to the calculator class that ive made error at line 117 #include <iostream> ...
[5 replies] Last: Check your Boolean logic in line 49. That should be &&, not ||. (by AbstractionAnon)
Is it possible to export a local created pointer?
In my CPP Basex client (=XML-database) I want to iterate over a set of results. I have copied the lo...
[8 replies] Last: You should delete the acquire memory in the correct order. Otherwise y... (by coder777)
Should you think of inheritance as composition of base class object?
All of the introductory material on inheritance I've come across teaches that if "class A inherits f...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks for the input, folks. I try to minimize the number of open-ende... (by ElusiveTau)
by anup30
weird program output
How is this possible in the following program. total should be equal to 1 million. #include <iostr...
[7 replies] Last: I was casually having a look at this question the other day and today ... (by gedamial)
redeclation even tho ive removed the other
its saying that ive redclared it and i already saved it but it still says that ive redclared it its ...
[1 reply] : So what's that string called pass on line 8 doing? (by salem c)
by anup30
are zig & rust 6.5 & 3.7 times faster than C++ respectively? sieve of Eratosthenes (1,2) @20:27 see comparative speed/score. cant believe zig & r...
[32 replies] Last: [quote=Ganado]Maybe try -O5 You got me! :) I'm used to the Solaris com... (by dhayden)
recursive function
There is the recursive function in my program for finding the factorial of the number. In this progr...
[19 replies] Last: This recursive factorial will run out of stack memory somewhere betwe... (by oggin)
Displaying letters slowly on screen. Typing effect?
I saw how to display letters slowly in the archives and wanted to know how you would turn that code ...
[7 replies] Last: Keeping things easier for you - a simple function ++ #include <stri... (by Geckoo)
add by 4
Write your question here. int incrementer = 1; for ( int i = 1; i < someLength; i += incremente...
[9 replies] Last: This std::chrono thingy is a bit weird. #include <iostream> using na... (by lastchance)
Write your question here. Is there a way to add all the elements of a vector to an integer sequ...
[2 replies] Last: valarray has some tricks that may work for you. it would be alonng th... (by jonnin)
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