by bydrachen
Inheriting a Protected Field from a Base Class
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for helping, I thought that C++ is inheriting fields like java.... (by bydrachen)
by gabzz29
nothing is happening in the terminal
[4 replies] Last: Why have "Calculate again" at the end of every case? Why not have afte... (by seeplus)
by gabzz29
i need to keep entering in the terminal
[2 replies] Last: Please don't double post: (by kbw)
by mathman54
C++ by Deitel
[4 replies] Last: So's I guess SWAG wasn't too intuitive either, eh? (by George PlusPlus)
by Jonathan100
debug strange behavior
[3 replies] Last: Many compiler optimizations affect debugging. Consider using -Og -... (by Peter87)
by Jonathan100
Code meaning- structs and typecast
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. i can give private access if someone would like. but i can't m... (by Jonathan100)
by AlexCantor
Error compiling .c program files using Visual C++ 2022
[17 replies] Last: Thank you seeplus, for the excellent malloc idea. I will work on this... (by AlexCantor)
by PhysicsIsFun
2d vector default value in class header
[16 replies] Last: @seeplus Yeah, I realized my mistake and removed my post before you ... (by Peter87)
by PhysicsIsFun
Send row of 2D vector with MPI
[2 replies] Last: Thank you @lastchance. I forgot I had to use the first index of the i... (by PhysicsIsFun)
by gabzz29
Expression must be a modifiable lvalue
[3 replies] Last: Thank you everyone that solved it (by gabzz29)
by Daniel Steel
How do I count the indexes of a dynamic class array
[4 replies] Last: OK. But bare in mind that this isn't how you'd normally code it. A pos... (by seeplus)
by kakaducsy
#define in c++
[2 replies] Last: Perhaps you just need a recursive template. (by salem c)
by AlexCantor
Merry Christmas to all C++ Developers
[2 replies] Last: Merry Christmas! (by Ganado)
by Jonathan100
Memory Overflow
[6 replies] Last: mb-g++ -Wl,--print-memory-usage Pass an option to the linker http... (by JLBorges)
by jNc
Program crushes after reaches x memory usage
[4 replies] Last: If you use new, then use delete. if you use new , then use delete ... (by seeplus)
by Jonathan100
Unexpected compiling/linking errors
[7 replies] Last: has multi... (by keskiverto)
by jNc
How to output struct CHAR_INFO contains
[8 replies] Last: > I'm struggling to save to string output from terminal The tee (betw... (by JLBorges)
by jNc
Improve building time
[6 replies] Last: Furthermore, separate compilation units can be compiled simultaneously... (by keskiverto)
by jNc
Get previous cout text to string
[10 replies] Last: C++98, credits to JLBorges #include <iostream> #include <sstream> na... (by mbozzi)
by jNc
How can I skip getch press enter key to continue with function or command
[2 replies] Last: getch is silent, the press enter to continue is usually an indication ... (by jonnin)