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strtok uses |
[5 replies] Last: It's much clearer to use regular expressions to stuff like this. Esp. ... (by zeeme)
by Aakanaar
Conditionals - The true or false story
[10 replies] Last: Er, actually there are a couple more. ∧ conjunction ... (by Duthomhas)
by asadulla
Recusion Types
[1 reply] : Dear Assadulla In non-reursive processes , the unknown is defined by... (by Massoud Raji)
by exception
double - and how to use it
[2 replies] Last: Check your first corollary in part two Oops. Fixed. Another thi... (by exception)
by Duthomhas
Rounding Algorithms
[4 replies] Last: The round half down did exactly what it should have. Given a number ex... (by Duthomhas)
[DRAFT] How To: Recursion |
[14 replies] Last: It's harder to debug a recursive function. (by Zaita)
by QWERTYman
The unofficial Beginner's tutorial
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, wrote it all in an IDE, instead of on the web first. I will edi... (by QWERTYman)
by QWERTYman
[ANOTHER DRAFT]How To: Private Access in Classes
[4 replies] Last: Encapsulation is also handy because the underlying member variable may... (by dooglio)
by freedomhua
Customize Your Applications with Innovative Skin
[1 reply] : It'd be nice if there was some documentation, sample source code on th... (by Zaita)
by bnbertha
C++ Templates and Libraries for Working with Threads
[2 replies] Last: I haven't tried integrating it into exisiting code, it was a new proje... (by bnbertha)
How to: Put code into your postings |
[1 reply] : thanks (by ablya)
by siavoshkc
You want to build a program but where to start?
[7 replies] Last: The class definition is probably not the best example for beginners. ... (by Faldrax)
by amro
Inheritance Rules
[no replies]
by Graham
The Pointer
[8 replies] Last: Ropez, The first quote is from a disuction of the need for nullptr in... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by Graham
Dynamic allocation in C/C++
[2 replies] Last: Graham: >>dynamic allocation creates new usable space on the progra... (by satm2008)
by siavoshkc
Array is not pointer
[1 reply] : You have a point, but you have one flaw: ARRAYS ARE CONSTANT POINTE... (by Graham)
by Sacha
Making Games in C++
[4 replies] Last: it is nice thanx but it is nearly a C code. Classes are important in p... (by leo)
Game Programming with DarkGDK
[no replies]
by trolltalk
Tired of shifting bits?
[1 reply] : Unions are lots of fun. Though for individual bits, wouldn't a 32-long... (by AzraelUK)
by siavoshkc
The difference between pointers and arrays
[no replies]