User profile: nanger

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User name:nanger
Number of posts:71
Latest posts:

mutex lock destroy on APUE
[code] struct foo*fp; pthread_mutex_lock(&fp->lock); if(--fp->count==0) { pthread_mutex_u...

about the size of a derived class
I meant there are two "i"s one is Child::i and the other is Parent::i if this is not the case, why C...

about the size of a derived class
Base::i and Derived::i are only different if each class delcares there own variable. Which isn't the...

about the size of a derived class
[code] class Base { int i; } class Derived:public Base { } Derived d; [/code] we k...

what is wrong with the virtual destructor in my codes?
newchannel.cpp: In destructor ‘virtual NewChannel::~NewChannel()’: newchannel.cpp:45: error: ...

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User: nanger

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