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User profile: kigar64551

User info
User name:kigar64551
Joined:Nov 28, 2021 at 4:11pm
Number of posts:827
Latest posts:

Getter for enum member returns a copy of enum?
[quote]I have to follow a guideline to make all data private.[/quote] This is not unusual. However, ...

Getter for enum member returns a copy of enum?
[quote]Should the getter on line [1] return a reference to ConnectionStatus as well?[/quote] In most...

Formatted Console Log with Datetime
If you are willing to [i]dynamically[/i] allocate the buffer, you can just use [code]asprintf()[/cod...

Formatted Console Log with Datetime
Variadic functions, as implemented in C/C++, are [b]not[/b] type-safe at all! Specifically, [code]v...

why can't I use cout with without iostream
[quote]Can someone please build up and elaborate on that answer.A few other things I would like to k...

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User: kigar64551

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