User profile: kigar64551

User info
User name:kigar64551
Number of posts:815
Latest posts:

Making a shared_ptr out of a stack object corrupts the heap!!
Note: [code]std::make_shared<T>()[/code] creates a new heap-allocated instance of T, and wraps the p...

How to create bare-minimum Windows Application with Console Access?
You can call [code]AllocConsole()[/code] to get a console in a Windows (GUI) application – which i...

zero dynamic memory allocation
I think the offical C standard does [i]not[/i] allow zero-size arrays, but many C/C++ compilers supp...

Lambda Expression: Specifying "this" in the capture clause
Have you read this?

_Safe_add checks for overflow but does not do anything to report the problem!
First of all, any symbols (e.g. functions) starting with two underscore characters or starting with ...

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User: kigar64551

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