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Time library
chrono is the name of a header, but also of a sub-namespace: All the elements in this header (except for the common_type specializations) are not defined directly under the std namespace (like most of the standard library) but under the std::chrono namespace.

The elements in this header deal with time. This is done mainly by means of three concepts:
They measure time spans, like: one minute, two hours, or ten milliseconds.
In this library, they are represented with objects of the duration class template, that couples a count representation and a period precision (e.g., ten milliseconds has ten as count representation and milliseconds as period precision).
Time points
A reference to a specific point in time, like one's birthday, today's dawn, or when the next train passes.
In this library, objects of the time_point class template express this by using a duration relative to an epoch (which is a fixed point in time common to all time_point objects using the same clock).
A framework that relates a time point to real physical time.
The library provides at least three clocks that provide means to express the current time as a time_point: system_clock, steady_clock and high_resolution_clock.

For typical examples, see steady_clock or system_clock.


duration and time_point:




Class instantiation typedefs

The following convenience typedefs of instantiations of duration are also defined in this namespace: