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typedef discard_block_engine <ranlux48_base, 389, 11> ranlux48;
Ranlux 48 generator
A subtract-with-carry pseudo-random generator of 48-bit numbers with accelerated advancement.

It is an instantiation of the discard_block_engine adaptor on a subtract_with_carry_engine with the following template parameters:
Enginebase engineranlux48_base
pblock size389
rused block11

Member types

The following alias is a member type of ranlux48:

member typedefinitionnotes
result_typeuint_fast64_tThe type of the numbers generated.

Member functions

As a discard_block_engine type, it has the following member functions:

Non-member functions

As a discard_block_engine type, the following operator overloads may be applied to it:

Member constexpr constants

member constantdefinitionnotes
block_size389The number of elements in each block.
used_block11The number of elements in the block that are used (not discarded).

See also

