by dodge55
Enable/Disable ListView rows
[7 replies] Last: The SetFocus didn't fix it, but the EnableWindow function is perfect. ... (by dodge55)
by volang
Problem with C++/PHP setup
[2 replies] Last: Here is all the files used in the project. Nothing is excluded https:/... (by volang)
by dodge55
Font resizing/bold/italic on the fly
[3 replies] Last: there is something called a LOGFONT that is either the underlying thin... (by jonnin)
by JLBorges
[no replies]
by dragon223
How do you login to a https server using C++?
[3 replies] Last: Your English is fine. It all depends on the site. If it's CGI, you p... (by kbw)
by dodge55
hiding ListViews
[3 replies] Last: yes, and an entirely hidden window 'scratch pad' can do wonders as som... (by jonnin)
by mbozzi
Why add zero to the result of sizeof?
[9 replies] Last: Cheers, guys! 4 Programming. (by c90a78)
by samuelgordon
So what should I do when I accidentally deleted Microsoft Visual C++ ?
[4 replies] Last: I saw that, But I thought it was an update to an already installed 201... (by seeplus)
opening folders |
[9 replies] Last: nothing. its how you interpret "if anybody can help me with opening t... (by jonnin)
by retro 64K
trying to make a zsh-like shell for windows
[14 replies] Last: yeah. (by retro 64K)
by dodge55
Scrollable Region - not entire window
[5 replies] Last: I found the problem, but don't know why exactly. ScrollWindow and Scr... (by dodge55)
by ne555
[no replies]
by stevehero
Setup a Windows Store app to install a cursor pack
[2 replies] Last: I have done a search for uploading to the store. It's mainly the code ... (by stevehero)
by dodge55
Moving a runtime image across the window efficiently
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for that answer. My app is simple. The image is static and th... (by dodge55)