by Mif
Any Help with RegGetValueA function ??
[16 replies] Last: FuzzyGuy reached his end of life about 45 years ago - that being the t... (by againtry)
by PabloPerez
Does Visual C++ have any effect on my machine??
[13 replies] Last: DLL Hell can still be a pain, even 'modern' languages/runtimes like C#... (by Ganado)
by Mif
XAudio2Create function fail..
[4 replies] Last: I'm using XAudio2 library as my sound for the project. For your pro... (by malibor)
by hbcpp
SetWinEventHook in a GUI Application - how to exit GetMessage
[1 reply] : I am testing this in a gui app where this code would run in a differe... (by malibor)
by Mif
Help ..Can't convert value to a vector "C" API
[2 replies] Last: If I'm not mistaken, __m128i is referring to the total size of the reg... (by Ganado)
by Ba ranh
control parameter
[3 replies] Last: Also, ListView, as in System.Windows.Forms.ListView, has nothing at al... (by Ganado)
by hbcpp
How to use pointer member method -> error: reference to non-static member function must be called
[4 replies] Last: @mbozzi Thanks for the reply. However I am error in where it is line ... (by hbcpp)
by Ba ranh
Memory is corrupt
[6 replies] Last: Thank you Ganado ! (by Ba ranh)
by hbcpp
Get the address bar url from a browser
[6 replies] Last: By changing the keyword used in google search I was able to find some ... (by hbcpp)
by pj33
How ot install DCMTK
[1 reply] : The Install document seems to be the information you're looking for: h... (by Ganado)
by pj33
Visual c++/add library path
[4 replies] Last: Yes I am using Visual Studio Code, but I am new to all this, i have ad... (by pj33)
by pj33
[1 reply] : I think you should: 1. Create a directory for your project 2. md artif... (by kbw)
by Mif
_WriteBarrier not found.. please help
[6 replies] Last: At least .. just for understand, those crushes are just cause I comme... (by Mif)
by benui
List voice attributes in Windows SAPI
[no replies]
by volang
Combine OpenSSL with Windows IOCP
[1 reply] : There's more to SSL than handling the physical read/write. Why do you... (by kbw)