by anachronon
Custom Menu Bar
[1 reply] : P.S. In the second method, the one without a menu bar, I can still ac... (by anachronon)
by Devloper886
How to edit files in a hex editor.
[2 replies] Last: binary files require some effort on your part. a rough how to 1) edi... (by jonnin)
by anachronon
Combining Menu Bar and Title Bar
[5 replies] Last: Thanks Furry Guy. I have been studying the code in that link, and exp... (by anachronon)
by Devloper886
library for creating and editing files
[1 reply] : <fstream> and <filesystem> have all the basics. (by jonnin)
by fluppe
Give a servcie DCOM permissions
[no replies]
by Mulligan911
Time calculation in the main game loop.
[4 replies] Last: It's everywhere (by salem c)
[C++] - Opening a directory and getting the path of a selected file |
[16 replies] Last: But is there a way using the <filesystem> library to open the direct... (by anachronon)
by bld
Making another PATH variable.
[10 replies] Last: if worried, back it up. echo %path% > path.bak now you have your pa... (by jonnin)
by rajesh5479
How to retrieve GUID from setup.exe using c++ or windows programming?
[1 reply] : (by deleted account xyzzy)
by anachronon
Resources and the Icon Demo Program
[3 replies] Last: When I use VS2017/2019 I usually launch the app via the IDE. Launchin... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by anachronon
Image Layers in Windows
[11 replies] Last: Fortunately, the graphics I'm using work fast enough for the simple ap... (by anachronon)
by habib9
random number didvide by user input
[2 replies] Last: Try this code: #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostre... (by anachronon)
by bld
Running an .exe file
[19 replies] Last: You are fine to put c:\mingw\bin in the path variable. But if you use ... (by lastchance)
by Amey18
Using CPR library for asynchronous http post request
[2 replies] Last: you are probably stuck. remote apis have a fixed interface and you s... (by jonnin)
by anachronon
Initializing a Child Window
[7 replies] Last: Thanks Freddie1. My trick worked! I was looking to do more than ju... (by anachronon)