Soon, i have to start my college project, but before i start i need an advice. I want to make a desktop application for flowcharts drawing. I need an advice about C++ API i could use. Can you write here top 5 API's? I don't have that much experience about windows programming so i need any help.
Thank you in advance.
SDL: I've heard it's good and see a lot of people recommend it. I've never tried it. It's a wrapper for a window manager. I'm not sure if there are built-in controls.

SFML: Good tutorials and an intuitive window manager. For controls you are still on your own.

MFC: I haven't had as much experience. A lot of professionals use this but I haven't found it to be very intuitive, though it is supposed to be very powerful. It is the "native" Microsoft C++ API in that it is a wrapper for Win32 which has been developed by Microsoft.

Qt: This is the one I recommend most. It is platform independant, intuitive, and there are lots of good tutorials. You have a large library of ready-to-use controls and a good/free IDE/GUI to develop with. It's also platform independant so you can compile for Windows/Linux/Mac. It was developed by Nokia so it also works for some phones.
I would also recommend Qt. You can go to www.youtube.com/thenewboston
to see examples and good tutorials
- You could also learn regular Win32/WinAPI first and then get into using wrappers afterwards.

- That's what i'm personally doing as well.
Win32 is provided in C. It is certainly worth learning to understand the concepts of event-based programming, but to do anything useful you are going to have to write a massive amount of code and take care of many "little" things here and there. The others mentioned are C++ and will significantly reduce the amount of work you will need to do to make something professional.

Stewbond wrote:

Win32 is provided in C. It is certainly worth learning to understand the concepts of event-based programming, but to do anything useful you are going to have to write a massive amount of code and take care of many "little" things here and there. The others mentioned are C++ and will significantly reduce the amount of work you will need to do to make something professional.

- Personally, i don't mind learning Win32 and C.

- I feel better knowing how things work, than using wrappers first.

- However, this is just my personal opinion.
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