Question about win32 hooks.

Hello ,
I did a program that capture the picture from the clipboard(if there is one)
and saves it into a BMP file.

I want to do now that my program will do it when I press print screen for example
now, I know that I need to read on win32 hooks,
But there is so much information on it,
and I don't think I need all the information on win32 hooks...

Anyone can give me a specific information on which hook I need or something?

or if somebody did something like that before and can write something that will help me , I will be grateful

thanks for the helpers.
i recommend you for windows programming, they are alot of information about hooking methods,

here is some links;
thanks , but there is so much information

I dont think I need all the information there....

can you give me something more specific on which hook I need to use
(and how) to catch when the user presses on printscreen for example

You can ask on Adv. Win32 api newsgroup :
where this had been posted many times (exatcly the same thing (hook PrintScreen in C code...)
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