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/*RenderText() called at rendering loop
IDWriteTextLayout textLayout_ is at Initialize. That does not go into loop.
text, // The string to be laid out and formatted.
wcslen(text), // The length of the string.
textFormat, // The text format to apply to the string (contains font information, etc).
layoutSize.x, // The width of the layout box.
layoutSize.y, // The height of the layout box.
&textLayout_ // The IDWriteTextLayout interface pointer.
DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange; textRange.length = wcslen(text); textRange.startPosition = 0;
textLayout_->SetFontFamilyName(fontFamily, textRange);
m_d2dRenderTarget->DrawTextLayout(D2D1_POINT_2F{ (float)posX, (float)posY }, textLayout_, m_whiteBrush, D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS::D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_CLIP); //OVERFLOW HIDDEN
//m_d2dRenderTarget->DrawTextW(wcharText, wcslen(wcharText), textFormat, RectF(posX, posY, m_screenSize.x, m_screenSize.y), m_whiteBrush);
textLayout_ = 0;
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