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WinAPI and windows 10

May 6, 2017 at 11:37pm
I had developed a win API application with different types of controls (windows, buttons, editbox, combobox, view lists, ...)
The application was running properly on Windows 10 with no delay nor slowness up-till windows updates were installed.
Now the application is very slow to the limit that upon creating any Form, its controls are being shown one after the other and not in 1 shot especially when the Form is a multi-record form. Besides, retrieving and showing data on the form is also very slow.

Actually, I had checked if the causes are from the machine, but its not. I checked if it is a database problem, but its not neither. I checked my code looking for any dangling loop, but also I found no clue. So I found myself looking for help here.

Please acknowledge and let me know if this slowness is due of the windows updates or not.

Thanks in advance
May 10, 2017 at 11:35am
any update or ideas on the above problem?
I has being since 7 MAy an tll now no answer
May 10, 2017 at 1:41pm
I've never experienced that phenonomen Ahmad, and I use all Microsoft's recent operating systems - 2000/XP, Win 7, Win 10. I think it boils down to the same old story of your having to create the smallest possible app which evidences the problem and post it here for examination. If its a Win32 app with no unusual dependencies/libraries that I don't have access to I'll try to build it and examine the code for you. Maybe I'll spot something.
Last edited on May 10, 2017 at 1:42pm
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