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How can I make my application open a window that gives you access to all the directories on your computer?

Jun 12, 2015 at 3:43am
I am currently working on a word processor and i want to make the option that lets users open and save files in any place of the hard drive.

I want this "option" to be similar to the open button you see in microsoft word, where you just click on the open button in the application menu and it opens up a dialog box that has every single directory on your hard drive
Jun 12, 2015 at 7:23am
Jun 12, 2015 at 8:33pm
Thank you for that link.

But i seem to have another small problem, it looks like I need to include the header <Shobjidl.h> in my application to enable me to use the IFileOpenDialog interface, but everytime i try to include it in code blocks, i get this compiler error "Fatal Error: Shobjidl.h no such file or directory".

Is this specific header only used in older versions of windows SDK? or is there something more to this?. I tried using google to find a solution but i didn't find any info that could help me on this.
Jun 13, 2015 at 7:48am
You marked this as solved so I take it you figured it out?

In case you didnt, I wonder if you're using a newer version of the SDK(which will have this file included) or just the headers that come with Code Blocks?
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